September 2012 BCOH 299'r Tournament
EVENT>BCOH 299er Sectional     |SESSION>Saturday Morn|SECTION> C N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>September 15, 2012 |SANCTION>1209121   | 09/15/2012 13:22
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Norman Gautier  |RATING>STAC, CLUB>251264            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>300/200/70     |CLUB>Bridge Of Houston
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=7/C=6                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Lenna Landers          Ben Landers              B   .     .     .   |   .     3     .     85.03  50.61  0.41(SB)
 2 Ronald Kautz           Mike Goldberg            A   2     .     .   |   1     .     .    101.07  60.16  2.35(OA)
 3 Robert Babb            Laurie Hartline-Babb     C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     77.52  46.14
 4 Ned Earle              Judith Earle             C   .     5     2   |   3     1     1     93.27  55.52  1.14(OC)
 5 Marc Beardsley         Joe Moseley              A   3     .     .   |   2     .     .    100.08  59.57  1.76(OA)
 6 Ann Pare               Ronald Pare              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.74  43.89
 7 Karen Jones            Judith Boyce             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     71.49  42.55
 8 Ronald Montague        Nancy Montague           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .     91.88  54.69  0.37(SA)
 9 Karen Parker           Toni Roesler             C   .     .     3   |   .     2     2     87.45  52.05  0.86(OC)
10 Otilia Magee           Bob Yelli                C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     58.58  34.87

                                          Totals                                            840.11

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>   5.79                    2.93  1.21  0.07  5.79  5.79  2.93
         450   ----  ----  ----  420   200   -50   450   450   420   ----

   2>   2.93                    0.64  2.93  0.64  5.21  6.93  5.21
        -420   ----  ----  ---- -460  -420  -460  -400  -150  -400   ----

   3>     3-                      3-    3-  0.64  5.79  6.93  0.64
         400   ----  ----  ----  400   400   170   420   440   170   ----

   4>   0.07  4.07                    6.36  6.36  1.21  2.36  4.07
        -400   120   ----  ----  ----  130   130  -100   110   120   ----

   5>   0.07  4.64                    1.79    3-  6.93  5.79  1.79
        -450  -180   ----  ----  ---- -420  -200  -140  -150  -420   ----

   6>     3-    3-                    6.93    3-  5.79  0.07  1.21
         170   170   ----  ----  ----  430   170   420  -150   110   ----

   7>   1.79  5.21  1.79                    1.79  6.93  5.21  1.79
         660   690   660   ----  ----  ----  660   720   690   660   ----

   8>   6.93  0.07  2.36                    5.21  2.36  2.36  5.21
         150  -100   110   ----  ----  ----  140   110   110   140   ----

   9>   5.79  1.79  1.79                    4.64  1.79  6.93  1.79
         150   -50   -50   ----  ----  ----  120   -50   400   -50   ----

  10>   6.93  5.79  1.79  4.07                    4.07  0.07  1.79
         650   200  -100   170   ----  ----  ----  170  -200  -100   ----

  11>   4.64  0.64  6.36    3-                    0.64  2.36  6.36
         -50  -200    50  -100   ----  ----  ---- -200  -150    50   ----

  12>   5.79  2.36  5.79  0.07                    2.36  5.79  2.36
          90  PASS    90  -100   ----  ----  ---- PASS    90  PASS   ----

  13>   1.79  1.79  0.07  4.64  6.93                    4.64  4.64
        -100  -100  -200   100   500   ----  ----  ----  100   100   ----

  14>   0.07  6.93  4.07  1.21  4.07                    4.07  4.07
        -170   100    50  -140    50   ----  ----  ----   50    50   ----

  15>   2.36  4.64  6.36  2.36  6.36                    2.36  0.07
          50   110   150    50   150   ----  ----  ----   50  -110   ----

  16>     3-  5.21  6.93  5.21  0.07  1.79                    1.79
        -100   -50   100   -50  -790  -620   ----  ----  ---- -620   ----

  17>   6.36  4.64  2.36  0.07  2.36  6.36                    2.36
         130   110   100  -140   100   130   ----  ----  ----  100   ----

  18>   4.07  6.93  0.64  5.79  4.07  2.36                    0.64
         620   650  -100   630   620   180   ----  ----  ---- -100   ----

  19>     3-  5.21  2.36  6.93  5.21  1.21  0.07
        -110  -100  -120   100  -100  -600  -630   ----  ----  ----  ----

  20>   1.79  1.79  5.21  5.21  6.93  1.79  1.79
        PASS  PASS   110   110   140  PASS  PASS   ----  ----  ----  ----

  21>   2.36  6.36  0.64  4.64  6.36    3-  0.64
        -100   150  -200   140   150    50  -200   ----  ----  ----  ----

  22>     3     7     3     5-    1     3     0     5-
        -100   110  -100   -50  -150  -100  -200   -50   ----  ----  ----

  23>     6-    4     5     1-    1-    0     6-    3
         620  -140   100  -200  -200  -730   620  -170   ----  ----  ----

  24>     2     6     6     6     0     4     2     2
         130   150   150   150   110   140   130   130   ----  ----  ----

  25>           7     3     6     3     5     1     0     3
         ----  -50  -630  -150  -630  -180  -660  -750  -630   ----  ----

  26>           2     2     0     7     2     6     4-    4-
         ---- -140  -140  -170   200  -140   100  -110  -110   ----  ----

  27>           3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-
         ----  450   450   450   450   450   450   450   450   ----  ----

  28>                 1-    7     5     1-    6     4     3     0
         ----  ---- -150   200   100  -150   140  -110  -120  -200   ----

  29>                 5     6     7     1-    3     4     0     1-
         ----  ----  210   300   660   130   150   200   100   130   ----

  30>                 0     3     3     3     3     6     7     3
         ----  ----  170   420   420   420   420   490   920   420   ----

  31>                     5.21  6.93  1.79  5.21  1.79  1.79  1.79
         ----  ----  ---- -110  PASS  -140  -110  -140  -140  -140   ----

  32>                     2.93  5.79  5.79  0.64  5.79  2.93  0.64
         ----  ----  ----  420   450   450   170   450   420   170   ----

  33>                     2.93  6.93  2.93  5.79  2.93  0.07  2.93
         ----  ----  ---- -420   100  -420    50  -420  -450  -420   ----

EVENT>BCOH 299er Sectional     |SESSION>Saturday Morn|SECTION> C E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>September 15, 2012 |SANCTION>1209121   | 09/15/2012 13:22
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Norman Gautier  |RATING>STAC, CLUB>251264            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>300/200/70     |CLUB>Bridge Of Houston
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=8/C=5                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Stephanie Slattery     Charlene Bolten          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     76.99  45.83
 2 Thomas Romz            Michael Kern             A   5     .     .   |   2     .     .     98.78  58.80  0.99(OA)
 3 Bonnie Brunskill       Priscilla Browne         C   .     .     4   |   .     3     2     86.27  51.35  0.64(OC)
 4 Julialee O'Shea        Charo Barnette           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     84.33  50.20
 5 Jack Manderscheid      Sue Kerlin               A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     82.17  48.91
 6 Tonya McNabb           Kathy Pflueger           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     74.74  44.49
 7 Van Valentine          Jim O'Shea               C   4     2     1   |   1     1     1     99.67  59.33  1.79(OB)
 8 Katherine McClure      Lynn Gamblin             B   .     .     .   |   3     2     .     92.08  54.81  0.60(SB)
 9 Jane Boozalis          Naomi Hewitt             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     67.92  40.43
10 Stella Gallaher        Pearl Younger            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     71.07  42.30
11 Gene Levy              Vicky Martinez           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .     88.41  52.63  0.37(SA)

                                          Totals                                            922.43

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>   1.21  6.93        1.21        1.21        4.07  4.07        5.79
        -450    50   ---- -450   ---- -450   ---- -420  -420   ---- -200

   2>   4.07  6.36        1.79        0.07        1.79  6.36        4.07
         420   460   ----  400   ----  150   ----  400   460   ----  420

   3>     3-  6.36        1.21        0.07        6.36    3-          3-
        -400  -170   ---- -420   ---- -440   ---- -170  -400   ---- -400

   4>   0.64  2.93  5.79        4.64        2.93              0.64  6.93
        -130  -120   100   ---- -110   ---- -120   ----  ---- -130   400

   5>     3-  2.36  0.07        1.21        5.21              5.21  6.93
         200   180   140   ----  150   ----  420   ----  ----  420   450

   6>     3-    3-  1.21        6.93        5.79              0.07    3-
        -170  -170  -420   ----  150   ---- -110   ----  ---- -430  -170

   7>   1.79  0.07  5.21  1.79        5.21                    5.21  5.21
        -690  -720  -660  -690   ---- -660   ----  ----  ---- -660  -660

   8>   6.93  4.64  4.64  4.64        1.79                    0.07  1.79
         100  -110  -110  -110   ---- -140   ----  ----  ---- -150  -140

   9>   5.21  5.21  5.21  0.07        5.21                    1.21  2.36
          50    50    50  -400   ----   50   ----  ----  ---- -150  -120

  10>   2.93  5.21  6.93  2.93  5.21                    0.07        1.21
        -170   100   200  -170   100   ----  ----  ---- -650   ---- -200

  11>   6.36  0.64  4.64    3-  0.64                    2.36        6.36
         200   -50   150   100   -50   ----  ----  ----   50   ----  200

  12>   4.64  1.21  1.21  6.93  4.64                    1.21        4.64
        PASS   -90   -90   100  PASS   ----  ----  ----  -90   ---- PASS

  13>   6.93  2.36  2.36  2.36  0.07              5.21        5.21
         200  -100  -100  -100  -500   ----  ----  100   ----  100   ----

  14>   2.93  2.93  5.79  2.93  2.93              6.93        0.07
         -50   -50   140   -50   -50   ----  ----  170   ---- -100   ----

  15>   0.64  4.64  4.64  6.93  0.64              4.64        2.36
        -150   -50   -50   110  -150   ----  ----  -50   ---- -110   ----

  16>         1.79  5.21  6.93        5.21    3-        1.79        0.07
         ----   50   620   790   ----  620   100   ----   50   ---- -100

  17>         6.93  4.64  4.64        0.64  0.64        2.36        4.64
         ----  140  -100  -100   ---- -130  -130   ---- -110   ---- -100

  18>         1.21  6.36  2.93        4.64  2.93        0.07        6.36
         ---- -630   100  -620   ---- -180  -620   ---- -650   ----  100

  19>   0.07        1.79        5.79    3-  6.93  1.79        4.64
        -100   ----  100   ----  600   110   630   100   ----  120   ----

  20>   1.79        0.07        5.21  5.21  5.21  5.21        1.79
        -110   ---- -140   ---- PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS   ---- -110   ----

  21>   2.36        0.64          3-  4.64  6.36  0.64        6.36
        -140   ---- -150   ----  -50   100   200  -150   ----  200   ----

  22>           6           4     4     7     0     1-    4           1-
         ----  150   ----  100   100   200  -110    50   100   ----   50

  23>           5-          7      -     -    3     4     2           5-
         ----  200   ----  730  -620  -620   140   170  -100   ----  200

  24>           7           3     5     5     1     5     1           1
         ---- -110   ---- -140  -130  -130  -150  -130  -150   ---- -150

  25>     4           2           6     0     7     4     4     1
         630   ----  180   ----  660    50   750   630   630   150   ----

  26>     0           5           1     5     2-    5     2-    7
        -200   ----  140   ---- -100   140   110   140   110   170   ----

  27>     3-          3-          3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-
        -450   ---- -450   ---- -450  -450  -450  -450  -450  -450   ----

  28>           5-          1           3     5-    4     0     7     2
         ----  150   ---- -140   ----  110   150   120  -200   200  -100

  29>           5-          4           3     2     7     1     5-    0
         ---- -130   ---- -150   ---- -200  -210  -100  -300  -130  -660

  30>           4           4           1     7     0     4     4     4
         ---- -420   ---- -420   ---- -490  -170  -920  -420  -420  -420

  31>   5.21        1.79        5.21        5.21  1.79  5.21  0.07
         140   ----  110   ----  140   ----  140   110   140  PASS   ----

  32>   1.21        6.36        1.21        4.07  4.07  6.36  1.21
        -450   ---- -170   ---- -450   ---- -420  -420  -170  -450   ----

  33>   4.07        1.21        4.07        6.93  4.07  4.07  0.07
         420   ----  -50   ----  420   ----  450   420   420  -100   ----
BCOH 299er Sectional, Saturday Morn, September 15, 2012

EVENT>BCOH 299er Sectional     |SESSION>Saturday Morn|SECTION> D N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>September 15, 2012 |SANCTION>1209121   | 09/15/2012 13:22
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Norman Gautier  |RATING>STAC, CLUB>251264            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>300/200/70     |CLUB>Bridge Of Houston
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 John Petersen          Mark Nemitz              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.00  48.21
 2 Bob Matlock            Bill Chamberlain         A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .     87.50  52.08  0.51(SA)
 3 Saundra Dickenson      Barbara Abney            C   .     .    5/6  |   .    2/3   1/2    85.50  50.89  0.49(SB)
 4 Eugene Goldgar         Debbie Goldgar           B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     75.00  44.64
 5 Evan Marti             Kevin Risley             A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .     86.00  51.19  0.35(SA)
 6 Betty Davis            Mary Jennings            B   6     3     .   |   1     1     .     96.00  57.14  1.34(OB)
 7 Barbara Giddens        Sheila Forbes            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     70.50  41.96
 8 Jean Foltz             Phyllis Chaney           A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .     90.00  53.57  0.71(SA)
 9 Carol Jewett           Lisa Zummo               C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     83.00  49.40
10 B J Renshaw            Gay Blosser              C   .     .    5/6  |   .    2/3   1/2    85.50  50.89  0.49(SB)

                                          Totals                                            840.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>     1-                1-    3-    6     0     6     6     3-
         -50   ----  ----  -50   420   450  -100   450   450   420

   2>     5                 3-    6     1-    0     7     1-    3-
        -210   ----  ---- -430    50  -460 -1190   100  -460  -430

   3>     2-                1     6     7     0     4-    2-    4-
         400   ----  ----  -50   430   460  -100   420   400   420

   4>     6-    2-                4-    2-    6-     -    4-     -
         600   110   ----  ----  150   110   600    90   150    90

   5>     0     7                 1-    3-    3-    6     1-    5
        -450   -90   ----  ---- -420  -400  -400  -110  -420  -200

   6>     3     5-                1     2     5-    0     5-    5-
         140   170   ----  ----   90   120   170  -100   170   170

   7>     1     3     5-                3     5-    0     3     7
         630   660   690   ----  ----  660   690   620   660   720

   8>     1     4-    0                 2     4-    6-    3     6-
        PASS   150   -50   ----  ----  100   150   170   140   170

   9>     7     4     2                 4     6     4     0     1
         430   150   120   ----  ----  150   400   150  -100   -50

  10>     6     0     7     4-                3     4-    2     1
         620  -170   650   170   ----  ----  140   170   100  -100

  11>     7     1     4     2                 6     3     5     0
         150  -120   -90  -110   ----  ----  110  -100    50  -150

  12>     7     4     4     0                 1-    6     4     1-
         100  PASS  PASS  -200   ----  ---- -100    80  PASS  -100

  13>     6-    1-    3-    3-    5                 1-    0     6-
         100  -110   -80   -80    90   ----  ---- -110  -160   100

  14>     2     0     3     5     5                 5     7     1
        -140  -420  -130    50    50   ----  ----   50   100  -170

  15>     0     7     3-    5     1-                6     3-    1-
        -500   500  -110  -100  -200   ----  ----   50  -110  -200

  16>     4     0     4     1-    1-    6-                4     6-
         100  -650   100   -50   -50   200   ----  ----  100   200

  17>     4     7     1-    4     1-    0                 4     6
        -140   150  -170  -140  -170  -420   ----  ---- -140  -110

  18>     0     5     7     1     3     3                 6     3
        -100   630   690   170   620   620   ----  ----  650   620

  19>     2-    2-    2-    0     5-    2-    7                 5-
         100   100   100  -130   200   100   300   ----  ----  200

  20>     4     4     4     4     4     4     0                 4
        PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS   -90   ----  ---- PASS

  21>     3     7     3     3      -    6      -                5
        -100   250  -100  -100  -300   200  -300   ----  ----  110

  22>     3     4-    6     4-    0     7     1     2
        -140  -100   -50  -100  -790   140  -200  -150   ----  ----

  23>     4-    3     6-    6-    1     4-    0     2
         620   500   650   650   100   620  -400   200   ----  ----

  24>     0     7     3     3     5-    5-    1     3
        -150   430   130   130   150   150   110   130   ----  ----

  25>           1-    1-    4-    4-    1-    1-    6     7
         ---- -630  -630  -180  -180  -630  -630  -150   100   ----

  26>           3     0     3     3     6     3     7     3
         ---- -140  -300  -140  -140  -110  -140   100  -140   ----

  27>           3     3     3     7     3     3     3     3
         ----  450   450   450   980   450   450   450   450   ----

  28>                 3     4     7     1     5-    1     1     5-
         ----  ---- -130  -120   140  -150   -90  -150  -150   -90

  29>                 3     5-    3     7     1     5-    3     0
         ----  ----  150   200   150   400   110   200   150  -100

  30>                 5     1-    5     7     5     0     3     1-
         ----  ----  920   420   920  1190   920   170   490   420

EVENT>BCOH 299er Sectional     |SESSION>Saturday Morn|SECTION> D E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>September 15, 2012 |SANCTION>1209121   | 09/15/2012 13:22
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Norman Gautier  |RATING>STAC, CLUB>251264            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>   84.0 |TOP>   7 |MP LIMITS>300/200/70     |CLUB>Bridge Of Houston
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Marie O'Neal           Marion McKernan          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     73.00  43.45
 2 Susan Morrison         Geri Noel                A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     74.50  44.35
 3 Jenelle Rae McGinnis   Lynne Andress            B   .     6     .   |   3     3     .     92.50  55.06  0.56(OB)
 4 W Courtney Coffman     David Morris             B   .     4     .   |   2     2     .     94.50  56.25  1.00(OB)
 5 Nancy Caldwell         Carolyn Wedel            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     79.50  47.32
 6 Mary McDonald          Anita Rothfuss           B   1     1     .   |   1     1     .    112.00  66.67  3.13(OA)
 7 Janice Kruse           Ellen Valentine          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     78.00  46.43
 8 Paula Goodpasture      Suzie Wilson             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     76.00  45.24
 9 B Clingo               W Clingo                 C   .     .     .   |   4     .     1     83.00  49.40  0.52(SC)
10 James Soller           Bharat Shrestha          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     77.00  45.83

                                          Totals                                            840.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>     5-          7           1     5-    1     3-    3-    1
          50   ----  100   ---- -450    50  -450  -420  -420  -450

   2>     2           7           0     3-    5-    1     3-    5-
         210   ---- 1190   ---- -100   430   460   -50   430   460

   3>     4-          7           2-    6     4-    1     2-    0
        -400   ----  100   ---- -420    50  -400  -430  -420  -460

   4>      -    4-          6-          2-    2-    6-    4-     -
        -600  -110   ----  -90   ---- -150  -150   -90  -110  -600

   5>     3-    0           1           5-    5-    2     3-    7
         400    90   ----  110   ----  420   420   200   400   450

   6>     1-    1-          7           1-    6     1-    5     4
        -170  -170   ----  100   ---- -170   -90  -170  -120  -140

   7>     4     7     1-          4           0     4     6     1-
        -660  -620  -690   ---- -660   ---- -720  -660  -630  -690

   8>     2-     -    7           4            -    5     6     2-
        -150  -170    50   ---- -140   ---- -170  -100  PASS  -150

   9>     3     3     5           7           6     3     0     1
        -150  -150  -120   ----  100   ----   50  -150  -430  -400

  10>     2-    0     5     2-          6           1     4     7
        -170  -650  -100  -170   ----  100   ---- -620  -140   170

  11>     4     3     2     5           7           0     1     6
         100    90   -50   110   ----  150   ---- -150  -110   120

  12>     1     3     3     7           5-          0     5-    3
         -80  PASS  PASS   200   ----  100   ---- -100   100  PASS

  13>     3-    7     3-     -    2            -          5-    5-
          80   160    80  -100   -90   ---- -100   ----  110   110

  14>     4     0     2     6     2           5           7     2
         130  -100   -50   170   -50   ----  140   ----  420   -50

  15>     3-    3-    2     5-    5-          7           0     1
         110   110   100   200   200   ----  500   ---- -500   -50

  16>     3     5-     -    5-    3      -          7           3
        -100    50  -200    50  -100  -200   ----  650   ---- -100

  17>     3     3     1     5-    3     7           0           5-
         140   140   110   170   140   420   ---- -150   ----  170

  18>     1     6     4     4     7     4           2           0
        -650  -170  -620  -620   100  -620   ---- -630   ---- -690

  19>     7     1-    1-    4-    4-    4-    0           4-
         130  -200  -200  -100  -100  -100  -300   ---- -100   ----

  20>     3     3     3     3     3     3     7           3
        PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS    90   ---- PASS   ----

  21>     4     2     6-    4     1     0     6-          4
         100  -110   300   100  -200  -250   300   ----  100   ----

  22>           7     4     0     2-    6     1     5           2-
         ----  790   140  -140   100   200    50   150   ----  100

  23>           6     2-    2-    4     7      -    5            -
         ---- -100  -620  -620  -500   400  -650  -200   ---- -650

  24>           1-    7     1-    0     6     4     4           4
         ---- -150   150  -150  -430  -110  -130  -130   ---- -130

  25>     2-          5-    5-    5-    5-    1     2-    0
         180   ----  630   630   630   630   150   180  -100   ----

  26>     4           1     4     4     7     0     4     4
         140   ----  110   140   140   300  -100   140   140   ----

  27>     0           4     4     4     4     4     4     4
        -980   ---- -450  -450  -450  -450  -450  -450  -450   ----

  28>           6           1-    4     6     3     6     0     1-
         ----  150   ----   90   130   150   120   150  -140    90

  29>           0           6     4     1-    1-    4     4     7
         ---- -400   ---- -110  -150  -200  -200  -150  -150   100

  30>           0           2     2     7     5-    4     2     5-
         -----1190   ---- -920  -920  -170  -420  -490  -920  -420
BCOH 299er Sectional, Saturday Morn, September 15, 2012

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
♠ K 10 9 8 5 2
Q 5

♣ A J 5 4 2
♠ Q
Q 10 7 5 4 3
♣ K 9 8 7 6
♠ J 7 4
A 10 7 3 2
J 9 8
♣ Q 10
♠ A 6 3
K J 9 8 4
A K 6 2
♣ 3

NS 5♠; NS 5; NS 4N; NS 2♣; EW 1; Par +450

4 ♠ N J54505.791.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 ♠ N 554505.791.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
4 ♠ N 854505.791.21C9-Parker-Roesler vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 ♠ N♣ Q44202.934.07C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
4 ♠ N♣ Q44202.934.07C10-Magee-Yelli vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
3 ♠ N 852001.215.79C6-Pare-Pare vs C11-Levy-Martinez
5 ♠ N 8-1500.076.93C7-Jones-Boyce vs C2-Romz-Kern
5 ♠ N♠ 454506.001.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
4 ♠ N A54506.001.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
4 ♠ N A54506.001.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
4 ♠ N♣ Q44203.503.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
4 ♠ N A44203.503.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
4 ♠ N 8-1501.505.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
5 ♠ N 8-1501.505.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 ♠ N 8-21000.007.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D3-McGinnis-Andress

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K Q 10
K 10 8
K 9 7 6 3
♣ 6 3
♠ 9
7 4 2
A Q 10 8 5 2
♣ J 9 8
♠ A J 8 4
♣ A K Q 10 4
♠ 7 6 5 3 2
9 6 5 3
♣ 7 5 2

EW 7♣; EW 5N; W 5; E 4; EW 5; EW 3♠; Par −1440

2 ♣ E J51506.930.07C9-Parker-Roesler vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 NT E J34005.211.79C8-Montague-Montague vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 NT E♠ 234005.211.79C10-Magee-Yelli vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
5 ♣ E J64202.934.07C1-Landers-Landers vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
5 ♣ E J64202.934.07C6-Pare-Pare vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 NT E 354600.646.36C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 NT E♠ 754600.646.36C7-Jones-Boyce vs C2-Romz-Kern
6 NT E 3-21007.000.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
5 NT E♠ 3-1506.001.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
2 NT E♠ 352105.002.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 NT E♠ 344303.503.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 NT E♠ 244303.503.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 NT E 354601.505.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 NT E 954601.505.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
6 ♣ x E J711900.007.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D3-McGinnis-Andress

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 9 3
7 2
A K J 7 2
♣ A K 8 3
♠ A J 6 5
10 9 5 4 3
♣ Q 7 2
♠ K 10 8 7
J 6
8 5
♣ J 10 6 5 4
♠ Q 4 2
A K Q 8
Q 10 9 6 3
♣ 9

NS 3N; NS 5; NS 2; EW 1♠; EW 1♣; Par +400

5 S♠ 574406.930.07C9-Parker-Roesler vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
5 S 464205.791.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 NT S♠ 534003.503.50C1-Landers-Landers vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 NT S♠ 534003.503.50C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
5 S 454003.503.50C6-Pare-Pare vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 S 461700.646.36C7-Jones-Boyce vs C2-Romz-Kern
4 S 1061700.646.36C10-Magee-Yelli vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
3 NT S 454607.000.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 NT S 944306.001.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
5 S 564204.502.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
5 S 1064204.502.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 NT S♠ 534002.504.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 NT N♠ 734002.504.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
6 S♠ A-1501.006.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
6 S♠ A-21000.007.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D3-McGinnis-Andress

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ 4 2
K 8
A Q J 3
♣ A K 8 7 3
♠ K 7 5
J 9 6 5 3 2
8 4
♣ Q 2
♠ A 10 8 6
A 7
K 9 7 6
♣ 10 9 5
♠ Q J 9 3
Q 10 4
10 5 2
♣ J 6 4

NS 3N; NS 3♣; NS 2; NS 1♠; EW 1; Par +600

3 ♣ N A41306.360.64C6-Pare-Pare vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 ♣ N A41306.360.64C7-Jones-Boyce vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
1 NT N♠ 621204.072.93C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C2-Romz-Kern
1 NT N♣ 1021204.072.93C10-Magee-Yelli vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 N 731102.364.64C9-Parker-Roesler vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
3 N A-11001.215.79C8-Montague-Montague vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
4 ♣ N A-44000.076.93C1-Landers-Landers vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 NT N 636006.500.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 NT S 536006.500.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 NT S 531504.502.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
1 NT N 631504.502.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
3 ♣ N A31102.504.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D2-Morrison-Noel
3 ♣ N A31102.504.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 ♣ N♠ 62900.506.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D4-Coffman-Morris
2 N A2900.506.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A 10 4
8 6 5
K 7 4 3
♣ Q 8 3
♠ K J 7 5
A Q 2
A 9 2
♣ A J 10
♠ 9 6
K 10 9 7 4 3
♣ 9 7 5 4
♠ Q 8 3 2
Q J 10 8 6
♣ K 6 2

EW 5; EW 2N; S 3; EW 3♣; N 2; W 1♠; Par −450

2 W 331406.930.07C8-Montague-Montague vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 NT W 331505.791.21C9-Parker-Roesler vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 NT W 341804.642.36C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 E Q52003.503.50C7-Jones-Boyce vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 E Q44201.795.21C6-Pare-Pare vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
4 E 1044201.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
4 E Q54500.076.93C1-Landers-Landers vs C11-Levy-Martinez
1 ♣ W 82907.000.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D2-Morrison-Noel
1 ♣ W 631106.001.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D4-Coffman-Morris
2 W 352005.002.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 NT W 434003.503.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 NT W 334003.503.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
4 E Q44201.505.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
4 E Q44201.505.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 E Q54500.007.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D10-Soller-Shrestha

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ Q 9
J 9 6 4 3
9 4
♣ K J 7 2
♠ K 10 7 6 4
8 2
A 6 3
♣ 9 8 3
♠ J 5 3 2
A 10 5
J 5 2
♣ A 10 6
♠ A 8
K Q 7
K Q 10 8 7
♣ Q 5 4

NS 3; S 3♣; E 1N; NS 2; N 2♣; EW 1♠; Par +140

3 NT S♠ 644306.930.07C6-Pare-Pare vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
4 N♣ A44205.791.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 S♠ 641703.503.50C1-Landers-Landers vs C11-Levy-Martinez
2 S♠ 641703.503.50C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 S♣ 941703.503.50C7-Jones-Boyce vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
2 N♣ 1031101.215.79C10-Magee-Yelli vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 NT S♠ 7-31500.076.93C9-Parker-Roesler vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 S♠ 641705.501.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 S♠ 641705.501.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 S♠ 641705.501.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
2 S♠ 441705.501.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 N♠ 231403.004.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
1 NT S♠ 621202.005.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
1 NT S♠ 61901.006.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 NT S♠ 6-21000.007.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D4-Coffman-Morris

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ Q 7
Q 9
10 5 4
♣ A J 10 7 6 2
♠ J 9 6 3
10 7 6 4
3 2
♣ Q 8 4
♠ K 8 4 2
J 8 3
K 9 7
♣ K 9 5
♠ A 10 5
A K 5 2
A Q J 8 6
♣ 3

NS 6; NS 5N; NS 5; S 4♠; NS 5♣; N 3♠; Par +1370

3 NT N♠ 277206.930.07C8-Montague-Montague vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 NT N♠ 266905.211.79C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 NT N♠ 266905.211.79C9-Parker-Roesler vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 NT N♠ 256601.795.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
3 NT S♠ 656601.795.21C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 NT S♠ 356601.795.21C7-Jones-Boyce vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 NT N♠ 256601.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 NT N♠ 277207.000.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 NT S♠ 366905.501.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
3 NT S♠ 366905.501.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 NT S♠ 356603.004.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 NT N♠ 456603.004.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 NT S♠ 356603.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
3 NT S♠ 346301.006.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
5 S♠ 366200.007.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D2-Morrison-Noel

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
♠ A 10 5 3
Q 10 8 7 4
J 6 4
♣ Q
♠ K J 8 7
J 5 2
A 9 3
♣ J 5 3
♠ Q 9 2
A 9
10 7 5
♣ K 9 8 7 6
♠ 6 4
K 6 3
K Q 8 2
♣ A 10 4 2

NS 4; NS 2; NS 1♠; EW 1♣; Par +420

1 NT S♠ 731506.930.07C1-Landers-Landers vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 N♠ 231405.211.79C7-Jones-Boyce vs C11-Levy-Martinez
1 N♣ 931405.211.79C10-Magee-Yelli vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
2 S♠ 731102.364.64C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 N♠ 221102.364.64C8-Montague-Montague vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 N 521102.364.64C9-Parker-Roesler vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 NT S♠ 7-21000.076.93C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
2 N♣ 941706.500.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 N♠ 941706.500.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
1 NT S 331504.502.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 ♠ W♣ Q-31504.502.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
1 N♠ 231403.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
2 ♠ W 4-21002.005.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
PassPass1.006.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
4 N A-1500.007.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D3-McGinnis-Andress

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A 9 3
A J 10 4
A K 3
♣ 10 7 3
♠ 5
K Q 5 3
J 8 2
♣ K Q J 8 4
♠ K J 7 6 4
9 7 6
9 7 6 5
♣ 5
♠ Q 10 8 2
8 2
Q 10 4
♣ A 9 6 2

NS 3N; NS 2♠; NS 2; NS 2; NS 2♣; Par +400

3 NT N♠ 434006.930.07C9-Parker-Roesler vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
2 NT N♠ 231505.791.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 NT N♠ 621204.642.36C7-Jones-Boyce vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 NT N♠ 6-1501.795.21C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 NT N♣ 5-1501.795.21C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 ♠ S♠ 2-1501.795.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 NT N♠ 6-1501.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 NT N♠ 644307.000.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 NT N♠ 634006.001.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
2 NT N♣ 531504.003.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
1 NT N♠ 731504.003.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
2 NT N♣ 531504.003.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D2-Morrison-Noel
1 NT N 521202.005.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
2 ♠ S♣ K-1501.006.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 NT N♠ 6-21000.007.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ K J 9 2
A K 8 5 2
J 9 6
♣ K
♠ 8 4
Q 9 7 4
K 10 7
♣ A Q 8 2
♠ 10 3

A Q 8 4 3 2
♣ J 10 7 5 4
♠ A Q 7 6 5
J 10 6 3
♣ 9 6 3

NS 4; EW 5; EW 5♣; NS 3♠; Par −200: NS 5x-1

4 N♣ J56506.930.07C1-Landers-Landers vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 N♣ 552005.791.21C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 ♠ S♣ 241704.072.93C4-Earle-Earle vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 N A41704.072.93C8-Montague-Montague vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 N♣ 4-11001.795.21C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 N A-11001.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
3 N A-22000.076.93C9-Parker-Roesler vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
4 ♠ S 756507.000.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D2-Morrison-Noel
4 N♠ 1046206.001.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 N A41704.502.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 ♠ S K41704.502.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 N♣ J31403.004.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
5 ♣ E J-11002.005.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
4 N♠ 10-11001.006.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 ♣ E J61700.007.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D10-Soller-Shrestha

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
♠ A Q 9 7 6
Q 6 4 3
K 8
♣ K 6
♠ 8 4 2
K 10 8 2
Q 9
♣ 10 9 4 2
♠ K 10 3
A 9 7 5
A 7
♣ A J 8 7
♠ J 5
J 10 6 5 4 3 2
♣ Q 5 3

EW 3N; EW 2; NS 2; EW 2♣; W 1♠; Par −300: NS 4x-2

3 W♠ A-1506.360.64C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C2-Romz-Kern
1 NT E 2-1506.360.64C10-Magee-Yelli vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
3 S 2-1504.642.36C1-Landers-Landers vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 NT N♣ 2-21003.503.50C4-Earle-Earle vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
1 NT E 531502.364.64C9-Parker-Roesler vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 NT N♣ 7-42000.646.36C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 NT N♣ 7-42000.646.36C8-Montague-Montague vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 W♠ 7-31507.000.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 S♣ 1031106.001.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 E K-1505.002.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
1 NT E♠ J1904.003.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D2-Morrison-Noel
3 NT N♣ 7-21003.004.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 W♠ 621102.005.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D4-Coffman-Morris
1 NT E♠ J21201.006.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
4 ♠ N♣ A-31500.007.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K Q 8 7
A J 10
J 8 7 6
♣ 8 2
♠ J 9 5 3
Q 6
K 9 4 3
♣ A 10 7
♠ 10 6 4
9 5 3 2
♣ K Q 6 4 3
♠ A 2
K 8 7 4
Q 10 5 2
♣ J 9 5

W 1N; NS 2; NS 1; EW 1♣; Par +90

1 NT S Q1905.791.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
2 S Q2905.791.21C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 S Q2905.791.21C9-Parker-Roesler vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
PassPass2.364.64C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C11-Levy-Martinez
PassPass2.364.64C8-Montague-Montague vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
PassPass2.364.64C10-Magee-Yelli vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 S♣ 2-11000.076.93C4-Earle-Earle vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
2 ♠ W 6-21007.000.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
1 ♠ N♣ K1806.001.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
PassPass4.003.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
PassPass4.003.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D2-Morrison-Noel
PassPass4.003.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
2 ♠ N A-11001.505.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
1 ♠ N♣ K-11001.505.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
1 ♠ N A-22000.007.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D4-Coffman-Morris

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ 9 6 2
A 7
A 9 6 4 3
♣ Q 10 2
♠ K Q J
Q 10 4 3
J 8
♣ K 9 7 3
♠ A 8 7 5
K 8 2
10 7 5 2
♣ 8 6
♠ 10 4 3
J 9 6 5
♣ A J 5 4

EW 2♠; EW 2; NS 1; NS 1♣; Par −110

3 NT x W♣ 2-25006.930.07C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 ♠ E K-11004.642.36C4-Earle-Earle vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
1 NT W 4-11004.642.36C9-Parker-Roesler vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 ♠ E K-11004.642.36C10-Magee-Yelli vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
1 NT N♠ 5-11001.795.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
2 N♠ 7-11001.795.21C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
3 N♣ 8-22000.076.93C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
1 ♠ E K-11006.500.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
2 ♠ E K-11006.500.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D4-Coffman-Morris
2 N♣ 82905.002.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
1 ♠ E K1803.503.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
1 ♠ E K1803.503.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
2 ♠ E K21101.505.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 ♠ E K21101.505.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
1 ♠ x E K11600.007.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D2-Morrison-Noel

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
♠ 9 8 7 6
5 2
♣ A 9 6 4 2
♠ J
A 10 8 7
10 7 4 3
♣ K 8 7 3
♠ A Q 10 5
Q 9 6 5
K Q J 6
♣ Q
♠ K 4 3 2
4 3 2
A 9 8
♣ J 10 5

EW 4; EW 4; EW 2N; NS 1♠; Par −420

4 W♠ 9-21006.930.07C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
4 W♣ A-1504.072.93C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 W 5-1504.072.93C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
4 W♣ A-1504.072.93C9-Parker-Roesler vs C2-Romz-Kern
4 W♣ A-1504.072.93C10-Magee-Yelli vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 W♠ 931401.215.79C4-Earle-Earle vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 W♣ 441700.076.93C1-Landers-Landers vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 W 5-21007.000.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D2-Morrison-Noel
4 W 5-1505.002.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
4 W♠ 8-1505.002.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
4 W♠ 9-1505.002.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 E♠ 241303.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 W 531402.005.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
2 W 541701.006.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 W 544200.007.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D9-Clingo-Clingo

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ Q J 4 3 2
K Q 10

♣ K Q J 10 8
♠ A K 9 7
4 2
A Q 6 3
♣ A 9 6
♠ 10
J 9 8 6 5
J 8 7 5 4
♣ 4 3
♠ 8 6 5
A 7 3
K 10 9 2
♣ 7 5 2

NS 3♠; NS 2N; EW 3; NS 3♣; EW 1; Par +100: EW 4x-1

3 W♣ K-31506.360.64C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
2 W♣ K-31506.360.64C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 ♣ N♠ 1031104.642.36C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
5 W♣ K-1502.364.64C1-Landers-Landers vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
2 W♣ K-1502.364.64C4-Earle-Earle vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 W♣ K-1502.364.64C9-Parker-Roesler vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 W♣ K21100.076.93C10-Magee-Yelli vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
2 NT x W♣ K-35007.000.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 W♣ K-1506.001.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
4 ♣ N♠ 10-11005.002.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
2 W♣ K21103.503.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 W♣ K21103.503.50D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D2-Morrison-Noel
4 ♠ x N J-12001.505.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
4 ♣ x N♠ 10-12001.505.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 ♠ x N J-25000.007.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D7-Kruse-Valentine

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ Q
5 3
K J 10 9 4
♣ K Q J 8 4
♠ A K 9 8 5 4 3
K 7 6
♣ 10 9
♠ J 10 6 2
Q 8 6 3 2
♣ A 7 2
♠ 7
A J 10 9 8 4 2
A 5
♣ 6 5 3

EW 4♠; NS 3; EW 2N; NS 3♣; NS 2; Par −300: NS 5♣x-2; NS 5x-2

4 ♠ W♣ K-11006.930.07C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C11-Levy-Martinez
5 ♣ N♠ 2-1505.211.79C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
5 ♣ N♠ J-1505.211.79C4-Earle-Earle vs C2-Romz-Kern
5 ♣ S♠ A-21003.503.50C1-Landers-Landers vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
4 ♠ W♣ K46201.795.21C6-Pare-Pare vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 ♠ W♣ K46201.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
4 ♠ x W 347900.076.93C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
5 ♠ W♣ K-22006.500.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
5 ♠ x W 5-12006.500.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
5 ♠ W 5-11004.003.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
5 ♠ W 3-11004.003.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
5 ♠ W 5-11004.003.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
4 S♠ A-1501.505.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D2-Morrison-Noel
5 S♠ A-1501.505.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 ♠ W 556500.007.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
♠ Q 6
8 6
Q J 9 7
♣ 10 7 5 4 3
♠ K 7 5 4 2
A J 5 2
8 4
♣ K 8
♠ J 9 3
Q 9 4 3
♣ A Q J 9 6
♠ A 10 8
K 10 7
A K 10 6 5 3
♣ 2

EW 3♠; EW 3; S 4; N 3; EW 2♣; Par +100: EW 4x-1; EW 4♠x-1

3 S♠ 741306.360.64C1-Landers-Landers vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 S♠ 441306.360.64C6-Pare-Pare vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 S♣ K31104.642.36C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
4 ♠ W Q-21002.364.64C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C11-Levy-Martinez
4 ♠ x W Q-11002.364.64C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
4 ♠ W Q-21002.364.64C10-Magee-Yelli vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 ♠ W Q31400.076.93C4-Earle-Earle vs C2-Romz-Kern
5 ♠ W Q-31507.000.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 ♣ E A31106.001.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
3 ♠ W 731404.003.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
3 ♠ W Q31404.003.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 ♠ W 731404.003.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 W Q41701.505.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 ♠ W Q41701.505.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 ♠ W Q44200.007.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ 10 9 6
J 10 9 8 6 2
K 9
♣ A 9
♠ Q J 8 5 3
Q 4 3
Q J 5
♣ K 6
♠ 7 4
K 5
10 8 7 4 2
♣ Q 7 5 2
♠ A K 2
A 7
A 6 3
♣ J 10 8 4 3

S 5; N 4; NS 3N; NS 2♠; NS 3♣; NS 1; Par +650

4 S♣ K56506.930.07C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 NT S♠ Q46305.791.21C4-Earle-Earle vs C2-Romz-Kern
4 S♠ Q46204.072.93C1-Landers-Landers vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
4 N♠ 746204.072.93C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
2 NT S♠ Q41802.364.64C6-Pare-Pare vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 N♠ 7-11000.646.36C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C11-Levy-Martinez
4 N♠ 7-11000.646.36C10-Magee-Yelli vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 NT S♠ 566907.000.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
4 S♠ 556506.001.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 NT S♠ Q46305.002.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
4 N♣ 546203.004.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 S♠ Q46203.004.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 S♠ Q46203.004.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
2 N♠ 541701.006.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D2-Morrison-Noel
4 N♠ 7-11000.007.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 7 3
K 6 4 3 2
10 9 8
♣ K 5 4
♠ A J 8
A Q 6 5 3
♣ Q J 8 3
♠ K Q 10 6
Q 8 7
K 4 2
♣ 10 9 7
♠ 9 5 4 2
A J 10 5
J 7
♣ A 6 2

EW 4♠; EW 4; NS 2; EW 2♣; Par −500: NS 5x-3

4 W 2-11006.930.07C4-Earle-Earle vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 N♠ K-21005.211.79C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 N K-21005.211.79C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 ♠ E J21103.503.50C1-Landers-Landers vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
2 NT E 521202.364.64C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
3 NT E 536001.215.79C6-Pare-Pare vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
3 NT E A46300.076.93C7-Jones-Boyce vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 NT E 5-33007.000.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 NT E 5-22005.501.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
3 ♠ E J-22005.501.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D2-Morrison-Noel
1 NT W 3-11002.504.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 ♠ E♠ 2-11002.504.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
2 ♠ E♠ 9-11002.504.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 NT E 5-11002.504.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
2 W♠ 741300.007.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ Q J 8 7
K 8
K Q 4
♣ 9 6 3 2
♠ A 5 2
10 5 4
8 7 2
♣ A K 5 4
♠ K 3
A J 6
J 10 9 6 3
♣ J 8 7
♠ 10 9 6 4
Q 9 7 3 2
A 5
♣ Q 10

NS 2♠; EW 3; EW 1N; EW 1♣; Par −110

2 ♠ N 931406.930.07C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 ♠ N♣ 721105.211.79C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
1 ♠ N J21105.211.79C4-Earle-Earle vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
PassPass1.795.21C1-Landers-Landers vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
PassPass1.795.21C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
PassPass1.795.21C6-Pare-Pare vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
PassPass1.795.21C7-Jones-Boyce vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
PassPass4.003.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D4-Coffman-Morris
PassPass4.003.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
PassPass4.003.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
PassPass4.003.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
PassPass4.003.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
PassPass4.003.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
PassPass4.003.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D2-Morrison-Noel
1 NT W♠ 71900.007.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D7-Kruse-Valentine

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A K 2
K 10 8 7
10 8 7 5
♣ Q 5
♠ J 9 6
6 2
♣ K J 9 8 7 2
♠ 5 4 3
Q 9 4 2
A Q J 4 3
♣ 4
♠ Q 10 8 7
6 5 3
K 9
♣ A 10 6 3

S 2♠; NS 1N; N 1♠; NS 1; NS 1♣; Par +110

1 NT N Q31506.360.64C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
3 E♠ 7-31506.360.64C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
2 ♠ S♣ 931404.642.36C4-Earle-Earle vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 E K-1503.503.50C6-Pare-Pare vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 ♠ S♣ 8-11002.364.64C1-Landers-Landers vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 ♠ S 6-22000.646.36C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 ♠ S♣ 8-22000.646.36C7-Jones-Boyce vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 ♣ E♠ A-52507.000.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
3 ♣ W♠ A-42006.001.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
2 ♠ S A21105.002.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 ♠ S 6-11003.004.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D4-Coffman-Morris
2 NT S 6-11003.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 ♠ S A-11003.004.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 ♠ S A-33000.506.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
4 ♠ S A-33000.506.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D7-Kruse-Valentine

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ K 2
J 6
♣ J 9 7 6 5 4 2
♠ J 6
K Q 8 7 3 2
A 9
♣ A 10 8
♠ Q 10 4 3
10 9 6 4
10 5 4 2
♣ K
♠ A 9 8 7 5
K Q 8 7 3
♣ Q 3

W 2N; NS 2♠; EW 2; NS 3♣; NS 2; Par +110

3 ♣ N 431107.000.00C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
4 ♠ S A-1505.501.50C4-Earle-Earle vs C11-Levy-Martinez
4 ♣ N 10-1505.501.50C8-Montague-Montague vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
5 ♣ N 10-21003.004.00C1-Landers-Landers vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
5 ♣ N 4-21003.004.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 ♠ S K-21003.004.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
4 ♠ S K-31501.006.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 NT N 4-42000.007.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 ♠ S K31407.000.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 ♣ N 10-1506.001.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 ♠ S K-21004.502.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
5 ♣ N 10-21004.502.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 W♣ 631403.004.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
5 S K-31502.005.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 NT N 4-42001.006.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 x W♠ K47900.007.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D2-Morrison-Noel

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ 9
K Q 9 7 6 4 3
J 9 7 6
♣ 5
♠ Q 10 7 4 2
K 8 4 3
♣ K 9 3
♠ A J 8 6 5
A 8 5
10 5
♣ J 6 2
♠ K 3
J 10
A Q 2
♣ A Q 10 8 7 4

NS 4; EW 3♠; NS 3; NS 1N; NS 1♣; Par +200: EW 4♠x-1

4 N♠ A46206.500.50C1-Landers-Landers vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
4 N♠ 646206.500.50C7-Jones-Boyce vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 ♠ E J-11005.002.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 ♠ W K31404.003.00C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 ♠ E J41703.004.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
5 x N♠ A-12001.505.50C4-Earle-Earle vs C11-Levy-Martinez
5 N 10-22001.505.50C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 ♠ x E J37300.007.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
4 N 1056506.500.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
4 N 556506.500.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
4 N♠ A46204.502.50D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
4 N 1046204.502.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 ♠ x E J-25003.004.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
4 ♠ W♣ 3-22002.005.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
4 ♠ W♣ 5-11001.006.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D2-Morrison-Noel
5 ♣ S 2-44000.007.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
♠ J 8 7
K 9 5
♣ A K Q 5 4 2
♠ Q 9 5 4
Q J 2
J 8 6 4
♣ 9 3
♠ 10 6
A K 9 3
A 10 7 2
♣ J 10 6
♠ A K 3 2
10 8 7 5 4
Q 3
♣ 8 7

NS 4♣; NS 2N; NS 2♠; EW 1; Par +130

3 ♣ N♠ 651506.001.00C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
3 ♣ N A51506.001.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
2 NT N♠ 1031506.001.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C11-Levy-Martinez
2 ♠ S 431404.003.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 ♣ N A41302.005.00C1-Landers-Landers vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
3 ♣ N A41302.005.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
3 ♣ N♠ 1041302.005.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
2 ♣ N♠ 1031100.007.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 NT S♠ 444307.000.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
2 NT N 231505.501.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 NT N 231505.501.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 ♣ N A41303.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
3 ♣ N A41303.004.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
2 ♣ N 241303.004.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
2 ♣ N♠ 1031101.006.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 ♠ S♣ 9-31500.007.00D1-Petersen-Nemitz vs D3-McGinnis-Andress

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A Q 7
K Q 10 7 2
8 3
♣ 7 6 2
♠ 10 9 3
A 4 3
♣ A Q J 8
♠ K 8 6
8 6
A 10 9 4 2
♣ K 5 4
♠ J 5 4 2
J 9 5
7 6 5
♣ 10 9 3

EW 4N; EW 5; EW 5♣; EW 2♠; EW 1; Par −630

2 N♣ 4-1507.000.00C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
2 E 551506.001.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 NT W K41805.002.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 NT W Q46303.004.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
3 NT W 746303.004.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 NT W♠ 746303.004.00C9-Parker-Roesler vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 NT W K56601.006.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
5 x E♣ 357500.007.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
6 ♣ W K-11007.000.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 W K51506.001.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
1 NT W K41804.502.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
1 NT W Q41804.502.50D5-Marti-Risley vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
3 NT W 1046301.505.50D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 NT W 746301.505.50D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
3 NT W 746301.505.50D6-Davis-Jennings vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
3 NT W K46301.505.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ 8 7
K 10 8
Q 7 6 2
♣ K 9 7 5
♠ K 10 9 5
7 6 5 3 2
K 8
♣ Q 8
♠ Q J 6
A J 9 4
10 9 3
♣ A J 3
♠ A 4 3 2
A J 5 4
♣ 10 6 4 2

W 3♠; EW 3; EW 2N; E 2♠; NS 2; S 2♣; N 1♣; Par −140

1 NT E 4-22007.000.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 E A-11006.001.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 ♠ W 221104.502.50C8-Montague-Montague vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
2 W 221104.502.50C9-Parker-Roesler vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
3 W 231402.005.00C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
2 W 231402.005.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
3 W♠ 831402.005.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 W♣ 541700.007.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
3 W 6-11007.000.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
2 W♠ 821106.001.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
3 W♠ 831403.004.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 W 231403.004.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
2 W♠ 831403.004.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
2 W♠ 831403.004.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
3 W♠ 831403.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
2 ♠ S 7-33000.007.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
♠ 10 5
Q 7 3 2
J 8 6
♣ A K J 3
♠ 8 6 4
K Q 9 7 3 2
♣ Q 10 6
♠ J 9 3 2
9 6 5
A 10
♣ 8 7 5 2
♠ A K Q 7
A K J 10 8
5 4
♣ 9 4

NS 5; NS 4♠; NS 4♣; NS 1N; NS 1; Par +450

4 S 754503.503.50C2-Kautz-Goldberg vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 S K54503.503.50C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 S 954503.503.50C4-Earle-Earle vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
4 S K54503.503.50C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 S 954503.503.50C6-Pare-Pare vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
4 S K54503.503.50C7-Jones-Boyce vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
4 S K54503.503.50C8-Montague-Montague vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
4 S 454503.503.50C9-Parker-Roesler vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
6 S♣ 669807.000.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D1-O'Neal-McKernan
4 S K54503.004.00D2-Matlock-Chamberlain vs D4-Coffman-Morris
4 S K54503.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
4 S K54503.004.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
4 S K54503.004.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D3-McGinnis-Andress
4 S K54503.004.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
4 S K54503.004.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
4 S 954503.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D9-Clingo-Clingo

Board 28
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A 6 2
J 10 6 4 3
J 9 6 2
♣ 3
♠ J 9 5 3
8 2
7 5
♣ K J 10 9 4
♠ K 10 4
A 9 7
K Q 3
♣ A 8 5 2
♠ Q 8 7
K Q 5
A 10 8 4
♣ Q 7 6

EW 2♠; NS 2; NS 3; EW 3♣; EW 1N; Par +100: EW 3♠x-1; EW 4♣x-1

1 NT E 4-42007.000.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
2 N K31406.001.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
4 ♣ W K-21005.002.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 ♣ E A31104.003.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
1 NT E 421203.004.00C9-Parker-Roesler vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
1 NT E 431501.505.50C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
1 NT E 431501.505.50C6-Pare-Pare vs C2-Romz-Kern
3 S♣ J-22000.007.00C10-Magee-Yelli vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 N K31407.000.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
1 NT E 41905.501.50D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D4-Coffman-Morris
1 NT E K1905.501.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
1 NT E 421204.003.00D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
2 ♣ E A41303.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
1 NT E 431501.006.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D2-Morrison-Noel
1 NT E 431501.006.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
1 NT E 331501.006.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson

Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ K Q 6
A 6 4
A 8 6
♣ 9 6 3 2
♠ A J 10 7 3 2
J 10 7 2
♣ J
♠ 9 8 4
Q 8 5
10 4
♣ K Q 8 7 5
♠ 5
K 9 3
K 9 7 5 3 2
♣ A 10 4

NS 4N; NS 5; NS 3♣; NS 1♠; NS 1; Par +630

3 NT N♠ 956607.000.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C11-Levy-Martinez
3 ♠ W A-33006.001.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
2 NT N♠ 952105.002.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
2 ♠ W 6-22004.003.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
4 S J51503.004.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
3 S♣ J41301.505.50C6-Pare-Pare vs C2-Romz-Kern
2 S♣ J41301.505.50C10-Magee-Yelli vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 ♠ W♠ 2-11000.007.00C9-Parker-Roesler vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 ♠ W A-44007.000.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D2-Morrison-Noel
2 ♠ W A-22005.501.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
2 ♠ W A-22005.501.50D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss
2 S♠ A51503.004.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
3 S♣ J51503.004.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
3 S♠ A51503.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
3 S♣ J31101.006.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D4-Coffman-Morris
5 S K-11000.007.00D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D10-Soller-Shrestha

Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
♠ K 8 6
A Q 10 8
10 6 3 2
♣ 5 3
♠ A J 9 3
K 9 7 4
♣ Q 10 6 2
♠ 10 5 4
J 6 5 3 2
♣ J 8 7 4
♠ Q 7 2

A K Q J 9 5 4
♣ A K 9

S 6N; NS 6; N 5N; NS 3♠; NS 1; NS 1♣; Par +990

6 N 769207.000.00C9-Parker-Roesler vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 NT N 364906.001.00C8-Montague-Montague vs C6-McNabb-Pflueger
5 S♠ A64203.004.00C4-Earle-Earle vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
5 S♣ 264203.004.00C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C11-Levy-Martinez
5 S 864203.004.00C6-Pare-Pare vs C2-Romz-Kern
5 S♣ 264203.004.00C7-Jones-Boyce vs C4-O'Shea-Barnette
5 S 864203.004.00C10-Magee-Yelli vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
3 S♣ 261700.007.00C3-Babb-Hartline-Babb vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
6 x N 6711907.000.00D6-Davis-Jennings vs D2-Morrison-Noel
6 N 769205.002.00D3-Dickenson-Abney vs D5-Caldwell-Wedel
6 S 869205.002.00D5-Marti-Risley vs D9-Clingo-Clingo
6 N 269205.002.00D7-Giddens-Forbes vs D4-Coffman-Morris
3 NT S♠ 464903.004.00D9-Jewett-Zummo vs D8-Goodpasture-Wilson
5 S♠ A64201.505.50D4-Goldgar-Goldgar vs D7-Kruse-Valentine
5 S♣ 264201.505.50D10-Renshaw-Blosser vs D10-Soller-Shrestha
3 S♣ 261700.007.00D8-Foltz-Chaney vs D6-McDonald-Rothfuss

Board 31
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 9
A Q 3
J 8 5 2
♣ J 10 8 5
♠ Q J 5 2
7 6 2
9 6 4
♣ A Q 9
♠ A 10 7 6 4
K 10 5 4
K 7
♣ 3 2
♠ 8 3
J 9 8
A Q 10 3
♣ K 7 6 4

EW 3♠; EW 2N; EW 2; NS 2♣; NS 1; Par −140

PassPass6.930.07C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
2 ♠ E♣ 421105.211.79C4-Earle-Earle vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
2 ♠ E♣ 421105.211.79C7-Jones-Boyce vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
3 ♠ W♣ J31401.795.21C6-Pare-Pare vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
3 ♠ E 831401.795.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
2 ♠ E J31401.795.21C9-Parker-Roesler vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
2 ♠ E A31401.795.21C10-Magee-Yelli vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt

Board 32
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ J
Q 10 8 7
10 8 5 2
♣ A 9 5 4
♠ 4
6 5 4 2
Q 9 7 6
♣ J 8 7 2
♠ 9 8 7 2
A 9
A K 4 3
♣ K 6 3
♠ A K Q 10 6 5 3
K J 3
♣ Q 10

NS 4♠; NS 3; NS 2N; EW 1; NS 1♣; Par +420

4 ♠ S 654505.791.21C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
4 ♠ S Q54505.791.21C6-Pare-Pare vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 ♠ S 754505.791.21C8-Montague-Montague vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
4 ♠ S 644202.934.07C4-Earle-Earle vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 ♠ S 644202.934.07C9-Parker-Roesler vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea
2 ♠ S Q41700.646.36C7-Jones-Boyce vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
1 ♠ S 641700.646.36C10-Magee-Yelli vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt

Board 33
North Deals
None Vul
♠ 4 3 2
10 8
A 7 6 5 3
♣ A 7 4
♠ K J 9
J 9 6 3
♣ J 10 9 8
♠ A Q 10 8 7
A K 5 4
8 4
♣ K 5
♠ 6 5
Q 7 2
J 10 9 2
♣ Q 6 3 2

EW 4♠; EW 4; EW 2N; EW 2♣; NS 1; Par −420

4 ♠ E J-21006.930.07C5-Beardsley-Moseley vs C10-Gallaher-Younger
5 ♠ E♣ 2-1505.791.21C7-Jones-Boyce vs C3-Brunskill-Browne
4 ♠ E J44202.934.07C4-Earle-Earle vs C8-McClure-Gamblin
4 ♠ E J44202.934.07C6-Pare-Pare vs C1-Slattery-Bolten
4 ♠ E 944202.934.07C8-Montague-Montague vs C5-Manderscheid-Kerlin
4 ♠ E♣ 244202.934.07C10-Magee-Yelli vs C9-Boozalis-Hewitt
4 ♠ E J54500.076.93C9-Parker-Roesler vs C7-Valentine-O'Shea