2012 Nearly Summer Sectional

EVENT>Fri Eve Open Pairs       |SESSION>One Of One   |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 8, 2012       |SANCTION>S1206039  | 06/08/2012 22:31|EVENT CODE>8EO
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston,Tx      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  108.0 |TOP>   8 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Nearly Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=5/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Debi Balter            Jack Balter              B   .     .     .   |   .     2     .    107.50  49.77  0.74(SB)
 2 Herbert Kalman         Robert Reichek           C   .     5     1   |   .     1     1    111.38  51.56  1.77(OC)
 3 Phillip Grothus        Ralda St Pierre          A   5     .     .   |   2     .     .    126.00  58.33  2.00(OA)
 4 Barbara Grantham       Chuck Duran              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    103.50  47.92
 5 John Du Bose  Jr       Christoph Eick           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    115.88  53.65  0.61(SA)
 6 Bert Sheldon           Thomas Romz              C   .     .     3   |   .     .     .    105.75  48.96  1.00(OC)
 7 Anna Marlatt           Joyce Park               A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     93.38  43.23
 8 Bill Riley             Nancy Riley              A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    102.94  47.66
 9 Robert Morris          Patti Mullendore         A   2     .     .   |   1     .     .    141.19  65.37  4.75(OA)
10 Glenda Stieber         Celia Morgan             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     69.00  31.94
11 Terry Currie           Joan Pleason             A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    116.44  53.91  0.88(SA)

                                          Totals                                           1192.96

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>           2     6     6     2     6     0     6     6     2
         ----   50   100   100    50   100  -140   100   100    50   ----

   2>           6     6     2      -    3      -    6     6     6
         ---- 1430  1430   680  -100   710  -100  1430  1430  1430   ----

   3>           4     5-    1     3     2     0     5-    8     7
         ----  100   200  -620  -130  -150 -1370   200   400   300   ----

   4>     4           4     1           4     4     4     7     0     8
        -100   ---- -100  -200   ---- -100  -100  -100    90  -400   100

   5>     1-          7-    1-          4-    0     4-    7-    3     6
        -100   ----  140  -100   ----  100  -200   100   140    50   110

   6>     7           3-    1           7     7     3-    3-    3-    0
         460   ----  450   420   ----  460   460   450   450   450   -50

   7>     3-    7           3-    8     1     3-          3-    0     6
         130   200   ----  130   300  -300   130   ----  130  -400   150

   8>     6     2           2     7-    2     5           7-    2     2
        -200  -450   ---- -450   100  -450  -420   ----  100  -450  -450

   9>     0     8           5-    1-    3     5-          5-    1-    5-
        -380   140   ----  110  -300  -100   110   ----  110  -300   110

  10>     1           1           6     6     6     6     6     3     1
        -650   ---- -650   ---- -200  -200  -200  -200  -200  -620  -650

  11>     2-          4-          6-    6-    0     4-    2-    1     8
         150   ----  300   ----  400   400  -140   300   150   100   500

  12>     7-          4           4     7-    1     4     4     0     4
        1430   ----  680   ----  680  1430   660   680   680  -100   680

  13>     6     2-    2-    2-          2-          2-    7-    2-    7-
        -170  -620  -620  -620   ---- -620   ---- -620   100  -620   100

  14>     5     5     0     8           1           2     5     5     5
         980   980   460   990   ----  480   ----  490   980   980   980

  15>     1     6     6     6           4           2     3     8     0
        -920  -440  -440  -440   ---- -450   ---- -500  -480  -300  -940

  16>     7-    0     5     6     4           3     1     7-    2
         430   -90   300   400   200   ----  150   -50   430   120   ----

  17>     6-    2-    8      -     -          4     5     6-    2-
         450    50   650  -450  -450   ----  100   300   450    50   ----

  18>     6-    1-    8     1-    3-          0     3-    6-    5
        -150  -460  -130  -460  -430   -----1400  -430  -150  -200   ----

  19>     0     5     5           5     2           1     7     3     8
        -650   150   150   ----  150   110   ----  -90   200   120   210

  20>     5      -    7-          6     4            -    2     3     7-
         170  -650   750   ----  600   100   ---- -650  -620  -200   750

  21>     1     6-    5           3-    3-          2     6-    0     8
          90   620   300   ----  170   170   ----  110   620  -100  1520

  22>     6     3     4     8     1     1     7                 1     5
          90  -150  -120   200  -600  -600   100   ----  ---- -600   -90

  23>     5     7-    1-    4     6     3     7-                0     1-
        -100   200  -200  -110   100  -130   200   ----  ---- -300  -200

  24>     0     6-    3-    3-    3-    6-    8                 3-    1
         -50   140   110   110   110   140   150   ----  ----  110   100

  25>     1-    1-          4     6-    6-    8     1-          1-    5
          90    90   ----  100   200   200   300    90   ----   90   110

  26>     4-    4-          4-    4-    4-    4-    4-          0     4-
         680   680   ----  680   680   680   680   680   ----  650   680

  27>     6     8           1     6     3     6     0           3     3
         170   630   ----  100   170   140   170    50   ----  140   140

  28>     1     3     7     7     2           0     7     4-          4-
        -100   140   620   620   100   ---- -200   620   170   ----  170

  29>     6     4     2     5     8           2     7     2           0
         100  -110  -120   -90   500   ---- -120   200  -120   ---- -130

  30>     6     2-    5     7     4            -    8      -          2-
         110   -50   100   150    50   ---- -110   170  -110   ----  -50

EVENT>Fri Eve Open Pairs       |SESSION>One Of One   |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 8, 2012       |SANCTION>S1206039  | 06/08/2012 22:31|EVENT CODE>8EO
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston,Tx      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  108.0 |TOP>   8 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Nearly Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=6/C=2                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Eric Watson            David Wicks              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     99.50  46.06
 2 David Durand           Jim McCormick            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     86.50  40.05
 3 Sandra Parker          Toni Snow                A  6/7    .     .   |   2     .     .    124.50  57.64  1.32(OA)
 4 Errol LeCesne          Brady Lotridge           B   .     3     .   |   4     1     .    112.00  51.85  1.66(OB)
 5 Laima Gaizutis         Sherry Withers           A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    122.00  56.48  0.88(SA)
 6 Paul De Marsh          Jeffery Parker           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     87.50  40.51  0.71(SC)
 7 Alfred Fortier III     Steve Tuggle             B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     83.00  38.43
 8 Rick Burton            Pat McMullin             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    102.50  47.45
 9 John Erickson          Pat Levy                 A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    151.00  69.91  6.33(OA)
10 Naomi Spicer           Yvonne Pierce            B   .     4     .   |   .     2     .    111.50  51.62  1.24(OB)

                                          Totals                                           1080.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>           2     6     8     2     2     2     2     6     6
         ---- -100   -50   140  -100  -100  -100  -100   -50   -50

   2>           5     2     7-    2     2     6     2     7-    2
         ---- -710 -1430   100 -1430 -1430  -680 -1430   100 -1430

   3>           6     4     8     2-    2-    7     0     5     1
         ----  150  -100  1370  -200  -200   620  -400   130  -300

   4>     4           4     4     4     7     1     0     8     4
         100   ----  100   100   100   200   -90  -100   400   100

   5>     6-          8      -    3-    6-     -    2     5     3-
         100   ----  200  -140  -100   100  -140  -110   -50  -100

   6>     1           1     4-    4-    7     4-    8     4-    1
        -460   ---- -460  -450  -450  -420  -450    50  -450  -460

   7>     4-    1           2     4-    4-    0     8     7     4-
        -130  -200   ---- -150  -130  -130  -300   400   300  -130

   8>     3     6           6     6      -     -    6     6     2
         420   450   ----  450   450  -100  -100   450   450   200

   9>     2-    0           2-    2-    2-    6-    6-    5     8
        -110  -140   ---- -110  -110  -110   300   300   100   380

  10>     7     2     7           2     2     5     2     7     2
         650   200   650   ----  200   200   620   200   650   200

  11>     0     3-    3-          5-    1-    7     1-    5-    8
        -500  -300  -300   ---- -150  -400  -100  -400  -150   140

  12>     4     4     4           4     4     8      -     -    7
        -680  -680  -680   ---- -680  -680   100 -1430 -1430  -660

  13>     5-    5-     -    5-          5-    5-    2      -    5-
         620   620  -100   620   ----  620   620   170  -100   620

  14>     6     8     3     0           3     7     3     3     3
        -490  -460  -980  -990   ---- -980  -480  -980  -980  -980

  15>     6     2     5     2           0     4     7     8     2
         500   440   480   440   ----  300   450   920   940   440

  16>     3      -    2     6     4            -    5     8     7
        -300  -430  -400  -120  -200   ---- -430  -150    90    50

  17>     0     1-    7-    5-    7-          1-    4     5-    3
        -650  -450   450   -50   450   ---- -450  -100   -50  -300

  18>     0     1-    6-    3     4-          1-    8     6-    4-
         130   150   460   200   430   ----  150  1400   460   430

  19>     1     0     5     3     8     6           3     7     3
        -200  -210  -120  -150   650  -110   ---- -150    90  -150

  20>     6      -    5     2     3     4           7-    7-     -
         620  -750   200  -600  -170  -100   ----  650   650  -750

  21>     1-    0     8     4-    7     4-          1-    6     3
        -620 -1520   100  -170   -90  -170   ---- -620  -110  -300

  22>     0     7     7     2     7     5     1           4     3
        -200   600   600   -90   600   150  -100   ----  120    90

  23>     4     8     2     3     5      -     -          6-    6-
         110   300  -100   100   130  -200  -200   ----  200   200

  24>     4-    4-    4-    8     1-    1-    0           4-    7
        -110  -110  -110    50  -140  -140  -150   ---- -110  -100

  25>     6-    1-    6-    1-    6-    0     3     6-          4
         -90  -200   -90  -200   -90  -300  -110   -90   ---- -100

  26>     8     3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-    3-          3-
        -650  -680  -680  -680  -680  -680  -680  -680   ---- -680

  27>     5     2     2     5     0     2     5     8           7
        -140  -170  -170  -140  -630  -170  -140   -50   ---- -100

  28>     6     7     3-    5     8     1     1     1     3-
        -100   100  -170  -140   200  -620  -620  -620  -170   ----

  29>     0     2     8     4     6     6     1     3     6
        -500  -100   130   110   120   120  -200    90   120   ----

  30>     4     2     5-    5-    7-    3     0     1     7-
         -50  -110    50    50   110  -100  -170  -150   110   ----
Fri Eve Open Pairs, One Of One, June 8, 2012

EVENT>Fri Eve Open Pairs       |SESSION>One Of One   |SECTION> H N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 8, 2012       |SANCTION>S1206039  | 06/08/2012 22:31|EVENT CODE>8EO
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston,Tx      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  108.0 |TOP>   8 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Nearly Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=5/C=2                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Michael Miedema        Julia Miller             B   4     1     .   |   1     1     .    130.00  60.19  2.95(OB)
 2 Nancy Starks           Brenda Della Mea         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     75.50  34.95
 3 Edward Groner          David Henke              A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    119.50  55.32  0.84(SA)
 4 Kathleen Malcolmson    Robert Sandfield         B   .     2     .   |   .     2     .    116.00  53.70  2.21(OB)
 5 Carolyn Lanier         Virginia Zilic           A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    119.00  55.09  0.58(SA)
 6 Kay Kennedy            Joyce Eveld              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1     88.50  40.97  0.71(SC)
 7 Jeanne Linzel          Stephen Schwall          A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     97.50  45.14
 8 Marsha Bernstein       Kay Johnson              A  6/7    .     .   |   2     .     .    124.50  57.64  1.32(OA)
 9 Brigitte Sandifer      William Baker            A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    100.50  46.53
10 Jack Stone             Kay Humphries            B   .     6     .   |   .     .     .    109.00  50.46  0.70(OB)

                                          Totals                                           1080.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>           4-    4-    0     1     7-    2     7-    4-    4-
         ----   50    50  -460  -430   100  -420   100    50    50

   2>           2      -    4     6-    4     6-    4      -    8
         ----  170  -100   650   680   650   680   650  -100  1430

   3>           2     6-    6-    2     0     4     5     8     2
         ---- -170   200   200  -170  -600  -150  -140   300  -170

   4>     6           8     4     7     2-    0     1     2-    5
         100   ----  120  -100   110  -110  -300  -200  -110    90

   5>     2-          5-    8     0     5-    1     5-    5-    2-
         100   ----  110   140  -200   110  -110   110   110   100

   6>     4           8     4     4     4     4     4     0     4
         450   ----  460   450   450   450   450   450   400   450

   7>     1-    0           4-    8     4-    4-    4-    1-    7
        -100  -200   ----  130   630   130   130   130  -100   150

   8>     2-    6           2-    2-    2-    2-    7     2-    8
        -450  -420   ---- -450  -450  -450  -450  -170  -450    50

   9>     8     6-          0     3     2     1     4-    6-    4-
         470   140   ---- -120   100   -50   -90   110   140   110

  10>     7     1-    1-          3-    0     3-    5-    8     5-
        -100  -650  -650   ---- -620  -680  -620  -200   100  -200

  11>     0     5     1           7     2     7     7     4     3
        -150   110  -140   ----  130  -100   130   130   100   -50

  12>     5     1     5           5     0     8     5     5     2
         680   630   680   ----  680   300  1100   680   680   660

  13>     6     3-    3-     -           -    8     3-    3-    7
        -170  -620  -620  -650   ---- -650  -110  -620  -620  -140

  14>     7     2-    7     4-          4-     -    2-    7      -
         980   480   980   490   ----  490   -50   480   980   -50

  15>     5     2-    7-    2-          0     6     2-    2-    7-
        -440  -480  -200  -480   ---- -800  -420  -480  -480  -200

  16>     4-    2     7-    0     1           4-    7-    3     6
         400   100   500   -90   -50   ----  400   500   120   430

  17>     7-    0     2     5     5           2     7-    5     2
         100  -690  -450  -420  -420   ---- -450   100  -420  -450

  18>     7     2     5     2     2           7     7     2     2
        -150  -460  -430  -460  -460   ---- -150  -150  -460  -460

  19>     8     0     5-    3-    7     1           2     5-    3-
         460   -90   180   120   400   -50   ----  100   180   120

  20>     3-    3-    3-    8     3-    3-          3-    3-    3-
        -650  -650  -650  -200  -650  -650   ---- -650  -650  -650

  21>     2     0     4     6-    6-    8           4     4     1
         100  -110   140   170   170   620   ----  140   140  -100

  22>     4     4     4     8     4     1     4           7     0
        -120  -120  -120   200  -120  -130  -120   ----  100  -150

  23>     3     5-     -    7     3     8     5-           -    3
        -130  -100  -200    80  -130   110  -100   ---- -200  -130

  24>     6     0     2-    2-    8     2-    2-          6     6
         140   -90   110   110   800   110   110   ----  140   140

  25>     3-    6-    6-    8     3-    2     0     1           5
         110   200   200   500   110   100   -50    90   ----  140

  26>     5     5     1     5     5     5     5     5           0
         680   680   660   680   680   680   680   680   ----  650

  27>     5     0     7     8     4     2-    1     2-          6
         150  -130   500   530   140   100    50   100   ----  170

  28>     7-    3     4-    1     2     7-    6     4-    0
         620   130   170    50   100   620   600   170  -140   ----

  29>     6-    0     5     3-    8     3-    1     6-    2
         100  -600   -90  -120   300  -120  -300   100  -150   ----

  30>     2-    7     2-    7     7     4-     -    4-     -
         110   150   110   150   150   120    70   120    70   ----

EVENT>Fri Eve Open Pairs       |SESSION>One Of One   |SECTION> H E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>June 8, 2012       |SANCTION>S1206039  | 06/08/2012 22:31|EVENT CODE>8EO
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston,Tx      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  108.0 |TOP>   8 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Nearly Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=5/C=3                      ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Charles Newton Jr      Ann Bullard              C   .     .     2   |   .     1     1    106.50  49.31  1.33(OC)
 2 Lynne Andress          Gary Hercules            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     90.50  41.90
 3 Thomas Jahnke          Jonathan Holmes          A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    123.00  56.94  1.17(SA)
 4 Ann Van Volkenburgh    Nancy Tiner              B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     99.00  45.83
 5 Hugh Miller            Catherine Miller         A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    118.00  54.63  0.84(SA)
 6 William Kibikas        Jo Ann Pierce            C   .     .     4   |   .     2     .    102.50  47.45  0.75(OC)
 7 Fred Feigley           Donna Sparks             A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    107.50  49.77
 8 Phyllis Timko          Mimi Hagedorn            A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    115.50  53.47  0.58(SA)
 9 Betty Freedman         Barbara La Vigne         A   3     .     .   |   1     .     .    136.50  63.19  3.56(OA)
10 Kathy Irene Tuggle     Mack Meigs               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .     81.00  37.50

                                          Totals                                           1080.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>            -    3-    6     3-     -    8     3-    7     3-
         ---- -100   -50   420   -50  -100   460   -50   430   -50

   2>           4     6     1-    7-    4     4     7-    1-    0
         ---- -650  -170  -680   100  -650  -650   100  -680 -1430

   3>           8     6     4     1-    3     1-    0     6     6
         ----  600   170   150  -200   140  -200  -300   170   170

   4>     2           8     0     7     4     5-    1     3     5-
        -100   ----  300  -120   200   100   110  -110   -90   110

   5>     5-          7     2-    2-    0     2-    8     5-    2-
        -100   ----  110  -110  -110  -140  -110   200  -100  -110

   6>     4           4     0     4     4     8     4     4     4
        -450   ---- -450  -460  -450  -450  -400  -450  -450  -450

   7>     3-    8           3-    3-    6-    0     1     3-    6-
        -130   200   ---- -130  -130   100  -630  -150  -130   100

   8>     5-    2           1     5-    5-    5-    0     5-    5-
         450   420   ----  170   450   450   450   -50   450   450

   9>     7     1-          3-    8     1-    5     3-    6     0
          90  -140   ---- -110   120  -140  -100  -110    50  -470

  10>     6-    2-    6-          0     4-    2-    8     1     4-
         650   200   650   ---- -100   620   200   680   100   620

  11>     3     1     7           4     1     5     6     8     1
        -110  -130   140   ---- -100  -130    50   100   150  -130

  12>     7     3     3           3     3     6     8     3     0
        -630  -680  -680   ---- -680  -680  -660  -300  -680 -1100

  13>     4-    4-    4-    7-          1     7-    2     0     4-
         620   620   620   650   ----  140   650   170   110   620

  14>     5-    1     1     3-          7-    3-    1     7-    5-
        -480  -980  -980  -490   ----   50  -490  -980    50  -480

  15>     5-     -    5-    5-           -    8     3     2     5-
         480   200   480   480   ----  200   800   440   420   480

  16>      -    5     8     2     7           3-    3-    6      -
        -500  -120    90  -430    50   ---- -400  -400  -100  -500

  17>     6     3     3     6     3            -    6     8      -
         450   420   420   450   420   ---- -100   450   690  -100

  18>     3     6     6     6     6           1     1     6     1
         430   460   460   460   460   ----  150   150   460   150

  19>     2-    4-    4-    1     0     7           8     6     2-
        -180  -120  -120  -400  -460    50   ----   90  -100  -180

  20>     4-    0     4-    4-    4-    4-          4-    4-    4-
         650   200   650   650   650   650   ----  650   650   650

  21>     4     1-    7     1-    6     0           8     4     4
        -140  -170   100  -170  -100  -620   ----  110  -140  -140

  22>     0     8     4     4     7     4     4           4     1
        -200   150   120   120   130   120   120   ----  120  -100

  23>     1     5     5     5     0     2-    2-          7-    7-
         -80   130   130   130  -110   100   100   ----  200   200

  24>     5-    2     0     2     5-    8     5-          5-    2
        -110  -140  -800  -140  -110    90  -110   ---- -110  -140

  25>     3     4-    4-    6     1-    8     1-    7           0
        -140  -110  -110  -100  -200    50  -200   -90   ---- -500

  26>     8     3     3     3     3     3     7     3           3
        -650  -680  -680  -680  -680  -680  -660  -680   ---- -680

  27>     2     4     3     5-    8     7     1     5-          0
        -170  -140  -150  -100   130   -50  -500  -100   ---- -530

  28>     6      -     -    5     2     3-    3-    7     8
        -100  -620  -620  -130  -600  -170  -170   -50   140   ----

  29>     0     1-    4-    8     7     3     1-    4-    6
        -300  -100   120   600   300    90  -100   120   150   ----

  30>     1     5-    3-    1     7-    5-    3-    1     7-
        -150  -110  -120  -150   -70  -110  -120  -150   -70   ----
Fri Eve Open Pairs, One Of One, June 8, 2012

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
♠ J
9 5 2
J 7 6 3
♣ J 10 8 6 3
♠ A 8 7 6
8 3
9 4 2
♣ A 9 7 5
♠ K 10 5 3
K J 10 7
A Q 10
♣ K Q
♠ Q 9 4 2
A Q 6 4
K 8 5
♣ 4 2

E 4♠; EW 3N; W 3♠; EW 2; EW 1; EW 1♣; Par −420

4 ♠ W-21006.002.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ W-21006.002.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♠ E-21006.002.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 ♠ W-21006.002.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 ♠ W-21006.002.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 ♠ W-1502.006.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 ♠ W-1502.006.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 ♠ W-1502.006.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 ♠ E31400.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 ♠ W-21007.500.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ W-21007.500.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 ♠ W-1504.503.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♠ E-1504.503.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 ♠ W-1504.503.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 ♠ E-1504.503.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ W44202.006.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 NT E44301.007.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 NT E54600.008.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H7-Feigley-Sparks

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 2
A K 9 8
8 5
♣ A Q J 6 4
♠ J 10 3
Q 5 2
J 9 2
♣ 10 8 3 2
♠ A 8 7 5 4
Q 10 6 4
♣ 9 7 5
♠ Q 9 6
J 10 7 4 3
A K 7 3
♣ K

NS 6N; NS 6; NS 6♣; NS 3♠; NS 4; Par +1440

6 N614306.002.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G3-Parker-Snow
6 S614306.002.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
6 S614306.002.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
6 S614306.002.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G8-Burton-McMullin
6 N614306.002.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
5 S77103.005.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 N66802.006.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
6 S-11000.507.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G9-Erickson-Levy
6 ♠ S-11000.507.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
6 N614308.000.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 N66806.501.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
5 S66806.501.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 S56504.004.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 S56504.004.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H2-Andress-Hercules
5 S56504.004.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 ♣ N61702.006.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
6 S-11000.507.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H5-Miller-Miller
6 S-11000.507.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ Q J 2
K Q 7 5 2
Q 6 3
♣ K 4
♠ 10
9 6
10 9 7 4
♣ Q J 10 9 6 2
♠ A K 6 5 3
A J 8 2
♣ A 5
♠ 9 8 7 4
10 8 4 3
K 5
♣ 8 7 3

EW 6♣; EW 5; EW 1N; EW 1♠; EW 1; Par −1370

3 NT E-44008.000.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 NT E-33007.001.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 ♠ E-22005.502.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 ♠ E-22005.502.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
4 ♠ E-11004.004.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 W41303.005.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 E51502.006.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G2-Durand-McCormick
5 ♣ W66201.007.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
6 ♣ W613700.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 ♠ E-33008.000.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 ♠ E-22006.501.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 ♠ E-22006.501.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 ♠ E31405.003.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
3 ♣ W51504.004.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 ♠ E41702.006.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♣ W61702.006.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
4 ♣ W61702.006.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
5 ♣ W56000.008.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H2-Andress-Hercules

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ J 7 6 5
J 7 6 5
♣ 9 7 6 5
♠ 10 9 8 3 2
A K 3
K 10 5 4
♣ 3
♠ K Q
Q 9 8 2
J 9 2
♣ J 10 8 2
♠ A 4
10 4
A Q 8 7 3
♣ A K Q 4

EW 2N; EW 2♠; NS 2♣; EW 1; EW 1; Par −120

2 ♠ W-11008.000.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G8-Burton-McMullin
2 ♣ S2907.001.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♣ S-11004.004.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 ♣ S-11004.004.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
1 S-11004.004.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
1 S-11004.004.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 ♣ S-11004.004.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 NT S-22001.007.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 NT S-44000.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G9-Erickson-Levy
2 NT N21208.000.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
2 ♣ S31107.001.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
2 E-11006.002.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 ♣ S2905.003.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
1 NT S-11004.004.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 ♠ W21102.505.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
2 ♠ W21102.505.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
2 NT S-22001.007.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 NT S-33000.008.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K J 10 5 4
J 7 5 4
♣ K J 9
♠ 8 3
K Q 9 6
Q 10 9 7 6
♣ 10 4
♠ A Q 6
J 8 4 2
♣ A 8 7 5 2
♠ 9 7 2
A 10 3 2
K 5 3
♣ Q 6 3

EW 3; NS 1♠; NS 1; EW 1♣; Par −110

2 ♠ N31407.500.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♠ N31407.500.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 ♠ N21106.002.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 ♣ E-21004.503.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
5 W-21004.503.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 W-1503.005.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 ♠ N-11001.506.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 ♠ N-11001.506.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 N-22000.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 ♠ N31408.000.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 ♠ N21105.502.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
2 ♠ N21105.502.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
2 ♠ N21105.502.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 ♠ N21105.502.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 x W-11002.505.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 ♣ E-21002.505.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 E31101.007.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
2 ♠ N-22000.008.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A K 9
K 8 7
K 9 3
♣ 9 6 3 2
♠ 10 6 4
9 5 2
J 6 5 2
♣ K J 10
♠ 8 7 5 2
Q 6
10 8 4
♣ A Q 8 5
♠ Q J 3
A J 10 4 3
A Q 7
♣ 7 4

NS 5; NS 4♠; NS 3N; NS 3; NS 2♣; Par +450

3 NT S54607.001.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 NT S54607.001.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 NT N54607.001.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 S54503.504.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 S54503.504.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 S54503.504.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 S54503.504.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 S44201.007.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 NT N-1500.008.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 NT N54608.000.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 S54504.004.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 S54504.004.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 S54504.004.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 S54504.004.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 S54504.004.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 S54504.004.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 S54504.004.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 NT N34000.008.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H7-Feigley-Sparks

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ 5 3
Q J 9 8 6 4 3
♣ A 9 7
♠ 10 9 7
A 10 8 7 6 2
♣ 8 5 2
♠ K J 4 2
Q 4
K 5 2
♣ K J 6 4
♠ A Q 8 6
K J 5 3
A 10
♣ Q 10 3

NS 3N; NS 4; NS 2♣; NS 1♠; EW 1; Par +600

2 W-33008.000.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 W-22007.001.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 N51506.002.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
3 N41303.504.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 N41303.504.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 S41303.504.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 S41303.504.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 NT S-33001.007.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 NT S-44000.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 NT S46308.000.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 N51507.001.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 N41304.503.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 N41304.503.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 N41304.503.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 N41304.503.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
5 S-11001.506.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
5 S-11001.506.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
5 N-22000.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H2-Andress-Hercules

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
♠ Q 2
6 5 3
A 9 6 3
♣ K Q 10 8
♠ A J 6 5 3

Q 10 8 7 4 2
♣ A 2
♠ 10 9 7
A K Q 9 8 4

♣ J 6 5 4
♠ K 8 4
J 10 7 2
K J 5
♣ 9 7 3

W 4♠; W 4; E 3♠; E 3; EW 1N; EW 2♣; EW 1; Par −420

6 ♠ W-21007.500.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♠ W-21007.500.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 ♠ W52006.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 ♠ W44205.003.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 ♠ W54502.006.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 ♠ W54502.006.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ W54502.006.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 ♠ W54502.006.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 ♠ W54502.006.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 ♠ W-1508.000.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 ♠ W41707.001.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 ♠ W44206.002.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 ♠ W54502.505.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 9 8 7 6 5
K Q J 6
J 6
♣ Q 7
♠ K Q 3
A 5 2
K Q 8 2
♣ A 6 2
♠ 10
9 8 4
10 9 7 5 4
♣ J 10 9 5
♠ A J 4 2
10 7 3
A 3
♣ K 8 4 3

NS 2♠; EW 1N; EW 2; NS 1; EW 1♣; Par +110

2 ♠ N31408.000.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 ♠ N21105.502.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
2 ♠ S21105.502.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 ♠ N21105.502.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 ♠ S21105.502.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♣ S-21003.005.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 ♠ x S-23001.506.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♠ x S-23001.506.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G8-Burton-McMullin
1 NT x E23800.008.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
2 ♠ x S24708.000.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
2 ♠ N31406.501.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H2-Andress-Hercules
3 ♠ N31406.501.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 ♠ N21104.503.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
2 ♠ N21104.503.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 E-11003.005.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 ♠ N-1502.006.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
1 NT W1901.007.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
1 NT W21200.008.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H5-Miller-Miller

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ Q 3
J 9 8 7 6 4
♣ J 8 7 6
♠ A 10 9 8 4
K Q 9 3
♣ 10 9 2
♠ K J 7 2
A 7 5 2
Q 10 3 2
♣ 5
♠ 6 5
J 8 6 4
A 5
♣ A K Q 4 3

EW 5♠; EW 5; EW 1N; NS 2♣; NS 1; Par −650

3 ♠ W52006.002.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 ♠ W52006.002.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 ♠ W52006.002.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
2 ♠ W52006.002.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G2-Durand-McCormick
3 ♠ W52006.002.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ W46203.005.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♠ W56501.007.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 ♠ W56501.007.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 ♠ W56501.007.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 ♠ W-11008.000.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 S-11007.001.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 ♠ W52005.502.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 ♠ W52005.502.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 ♠ W46203.504.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 W46203.504.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ W56501.506.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 ♠ W56501.506.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♠ W66800.008.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
♠ K 10 2
J 9 5
Q 4
♣ K 9 8 4 3
♠ A 8 7 5 4 3
10 6 5
♣ A 7 6
♠ Q 9 6
Q 10 8 7 6 4
♣ Q J 5
♠ J
A K 3
A J 9 8 7 3 2
♣ 10 2

NS 4N; NS 5; W 2♠; NS 2♣; E 1♠; EW 1; Par +430

4 ♠ x W-35008.000.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 NT N34006.501.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 NT N34006.501.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 ♠ x W-23004.503.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 ♠ x W-23004.503.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 S51502.505.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 S51502.505.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ W-21001.007.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 ♠ W31400.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 S41307.001.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 S41307.001.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 S41307.001.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H2-Andress-Hercules
3 S31105.003.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 ♠ x W-11004.004.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H5-Miller-Miller
5 S-1503.005.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 S-21002.006.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 ♠ W31401.007.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
3 NT N-31500.008.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K J 3
A J 9 3
A J 6
♣ K J 8
♠ 8 4
Q 2
K Q 9 5 3 2
♣ 10 5 2
♠ Q 9 5
K 6 4
10 8 7 4
♣ 9 6 3
♠ A 10 7 6 2
10 8 7 5

♣ A Q 7 4

NS 6♠; NS 6; NS 6♣; NS 5N; NS 2; Par +1430

6 N614307.500.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G9-Erickson-Levy
6 ♠ S614307.500.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 N66804.004.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 S66804.004.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
4 ♠ S66804.004.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 N66804.004.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ S66804.004.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 NT N56601.007.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
6 ♠ S-11000.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
5 x W-511008.000.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ S66805.003.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
4 N66805.003.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
5 ♠ S66805.003.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 ♠ S66805.003.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 S66805.003.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 NT N56602.006.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 NT N46301.007.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
5 W-63000.008.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ A Q 8 6 3
Q 2
5 3
♣ 10 8 5 4
♠ K 10 9 5 2
J 10 8
K Q 8 6
♣ 9
♠ 4
K 9 6 5 4 3
J 4
♣ A K J 2
♠ J 7
A 7
A 10 9 7 2
♣ Q 7 6 3

EW 4; E 2N; W 1N; EW 1♠; N 1♣; Par −620

4 E-11007.500.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 E-11007.500.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 E41706.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 E46202.505.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 E46202.505.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 E46202.505.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 E46202.505.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 E46202.505.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 E46202.505.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 E21108.000.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
2 E31407.001.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 E41706.002.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 E46203.504.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 E46203.504.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 E46203.504.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 E46203.504.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 E56500.507.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 E56500.507.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H7-Feigley-Sparks

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
♠ A K 8 7 5
K 5
K 2
♣ K 8 5 4
♠ 9 3
Q 10 7 6 3 2
10 5 4
♣ 9 7
♠ J 10
J 8 7 6 3
♣ A J 10 6 2
♠ Q 6 4 2
A J 9 4
A Q 9
♣ Q 3

NS 6♠; NS 5N; NS 4; NS 3♣; NS 2; Par +980

6 NT S69908.000.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
6 ♠ S69805.003.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G8-Burton-McMullin
6 ♠ S69805.003.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
6 ♠ S69805.003.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G3-Parker-Snow
6 ♠ S69805.003.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
6 ♠ N69805.003.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 NT S64902.006.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 ♠ N64801.007.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT S54600.008.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G2-Durand-McCormick
6 ♠ S69807.001.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
6 ♠ S69807.001.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H2-Andress-Hercules
6 ♠ S69807.001.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 NT S64904.503.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 NT S64904.503.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
5 ♠ N64802.505.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ N64802.505.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
6 NT S-1500.507.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
6 NT S-1500.507.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K Q J 8 5
7 5 3
♣ 7 6 5
♠ 10 3
K Q 9 4 2
♣ A Q 4 3 2
♠ —
A J 9 6 5 4 2
A J 10
♣ J 10 9
♠ A 9 7 6 4 2
10 8 3
8 6
♣ K 8

EW 7; EW 7♣; EW 6; EW 1N; NS 1♠; Par −1440

4 ♠ S-33008.000.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
5 W74406.002.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
5 W74406.002.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G2-Durand-McCormick
5 W74406.002.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
5 E54504.004.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
5 E64803.005.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 ♠ x N-25002.006.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G1-Watson-Wicks
6 W69201.007.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G8-Burton-McMullin
6 ♣ W79400.008.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 E52007.500.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ N-22007.500.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
5 W64206.002.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
5 W74405.003.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 E64802.505.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
5 E64802.505.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
5 E64802.505.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
5 E64802.505.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♠ x N-38000.008.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H7-Feigley-Sparks

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ K Q J 2
8 5 2
A 10 6
♣ 9 8 5
♠ A 9 6 5 3
♣ 10 7 6 4 2
♠ 8
K J 9 7 4
9 8 7 4 2
♣ J 3
♠ 10 7 4
10 6 3
K Q J 3
♣ A K Q

NS 1N; NS 1♠; NS 1; Par +90

3 NT S44307.500.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT S44307.500.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 E-44006.002.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 NT E-33005.003.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 ♠ W-22004.004.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
2 NT N31503.005.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G8-Burton-McMullin
2 NT S21202.006.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 NT N-1501.007.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
2 ♣ W2900.008.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G9-Erickson-Levy
2 ♠ x W-25007.500.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 ♣ x W-25007.500.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
3 NT S44306.002.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 NT S34004.503.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 NT S34004.503.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
1 NT S21203.005.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H2-Andress-Hercules
1 ♠ W-11002.006.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 NT S-1501.007.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 ♣ W2900.008.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
♠ —
Q J 10 6
K Q 8 7 2
♣ 10 9 6 2
♠ 7 6 4 3
A 7 3
A 10 9 4
♣ Q J
♠ A K J 10 9 8 5 2
6 5
♣ 5 4
♠ Q
K 9 8 5 4
J 3
♣ A K 8 7 3

NS 5; EW 4♠; EW 2N; NS 3♣; NS 2; Par +100: EW 5♠x-1

5 x N56508.000.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G1-Watson-Wicks
5 N54506.501.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
5 N54506.501.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G2-Durand-McCormick
6 ♠ x W-23005.003.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
5 ♠ x W-11004.004.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G8-Burton-McMullin
5 ♠ W-1502.505.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G9-Erickson-Levy
5 ♠ W-1502.505.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
5 ♠ W54500.507.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G3-Parker-Snow
5 ♠ W54500.507.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
5 ♠ x E-11007.500.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
5 ♠ x E-11007.500.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ E44205.003.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♠ E44205.003.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 ♠ E44205.003.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ E54502.006.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 ♠ E54502.006.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 ♠ E54502.006.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 ♠ x E56900.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 7 3
A 6 4 3 2
Q 7 2
♣ 9 5
♠ A 9 8 4
K J 10 9 8
A 8 5
♣ 3
♠ Q 6 5
K 9
♣ K Q J 10 8 7 6
♠ J 10 2
Q 7
J 10 6 4 3
♣ A 4 2

EW 3N; EW 3♠; EW 3; EW 4♣; EW 1; Par −400

3 ♣ E41308.000.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 ♣ E51506.501.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♣ E51506.501.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G2-Durand-McCormick
3 S-22005.003.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
3 NT W44303.504.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 NT W44303.504.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 NT W54601.506.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 NT W54601.506.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 x N-514000.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 ♣ E51507.001.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 ♣ E51507.001.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 ♣ E51507.001.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
3 NT W44305.003.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 NT E54602.006.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 NT W54602.006.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
3 NT W54602.006.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 NT W54602.006.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H2-Andress-Hercules
3 NT E54602.006.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 10 9 6 5
A J 10 2
K 4
♣ A 10 4
♠ A K 8 2
K 9
Q 10 5 3 2
♣ 8 5
♠ Q 7
8 7 6 4
9 6
♣ Q J 7 3 2
♠ J 4 3
Q 5 3
A J 8 7
♣ K 9 6

N 3N; N 3♠; N 3; S 2N; S 2♠; S 2; NS 1; NS 1♣; Par +400

2 NT S52108.000.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 W-22007.001.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G1-Watson-Wicks
1 NT N31505.003.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G8-Burton-McMullin
2 NT S31505.003.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
2 NT S31505.003.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
1 NT S21203.005.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G3-Parker-Snow
2 S21102.006.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
1 NT E1901.007.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G9-Erickson-Levy
1 NT S36500.008.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 NT S54608.000.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 NT S34007.001.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
1 NT S41805.502.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
1 NT S41805.502.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 NT S21203.504.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 NT S21203.504.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
1 W-11002.006.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
2 ♣ S-1501.007.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
1 NT E1900.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ A 4
7 6
J 10 5 3 2
♣ 7 5 3 2
♠ J 10 2
A Q 10 9 5 2
A K Q 4
♣ —
♠ Q 9 8 7 3
K J 8
9 8 6
♣ J 8
♠ K 6 5
4 3
♣ A K Q 10 9 6 4

EW 4♠; EW 4; NS 4♣; EW 2; Par −200: NS 5♣x-1

5 ♣ x S57507.500.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
5 ♣ x S57507.500.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G2-Durand-McCormick
5 ♣ S56006.002.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 W51705.003.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
6 W-11004.004.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
5 ♣ x S-12003.005.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 W46202.006.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 W56500.507.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 W56500.507.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 E52008.000.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 W56503.504.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 W56503.504.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 W56503.504.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 W56503.504.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 W56503.504.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 W56503.504.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
4 W56503.504.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 W56503.504.50H10-Stone-Humphries vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A K J 8 5
Q 7 5
9 5
♣ J 7 3
♠ Q 6 3 2
K 10 8 7 4
♣ A K 2
♠ 10 9 4
8 6 3
A Q 3 2
♣ 10 8 4
♠ 7
A K 10 9 4 2
J 6
♣ Q 9 6 5

NS 3; NS 2♠; EW 2; NS 2♣; Par +140

1 xx S315208.000.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 S46206.501.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 S46206.501.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 x W-23005.003.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 S41703.504.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
3 S41703.504.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 ♠ N21102.006.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 S4901.007.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 S-11000.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 S46208.000.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
3 S41706.501.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H2-Andress-Hercules
3 S41706.501.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 S31404.004.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
3 S31404.004.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
3 S31404.004.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 E-21002.006.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 S-11001.007.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
3 E31100.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A 9
K J 8 6 4
J 7 4 3
♣ 9 4
♠ K 8 6
Q 9 5
A K 8
♣ 10 7 3 2
♠ Q 5 4
A 7 2
9 6
♣ K Q J 8 5
♠ J 10 7 3 2
10 3
Q 10 5 2
♣ A 6

W 3N; EW 3♣; E 1N; NS 2; EW 1♠; W 1; Par −300: NS 4x-2

3 NT W-22008.000.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 NT W-11007.001.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 N2906.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♣ W2905.003.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
2 NT W21204.004.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G9-Erickson-Levy
2 NT W31503.005.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 NT W36001.007.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 NT W36001.007.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 NT W36001.007.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G2-Durand-McCormick
3 NT W-22008.000.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 NT W-11007.001.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
1 NT W21204.004.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
2 NT W21204.004.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 NT W21204.004.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
2 NT W21204.004.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
2 NT W21204.004.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 ♣ E41301.007.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 NT W31500.008.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H2-Andress-Hercules

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ J 8
Q 7 6 5 2
8 2
♣ 7 6 5 4
♠ A Q 7
A K 10 3
♣ Q 10 9 8 2
♠ 6 5 3
J 10 4
9 6 5 4
♣ A J 3
♠ K 10 9 4 2
A K 9 3
Q J 7
♣ K

EW 5; EW 5♣; EW 2N; NS 1; Par −600

5 ♣ E-22007.500.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
5 ♣ W-22007.500.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♣ W-11006.002.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G3-Parker-Snow
2 N-11005.003.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♣ W31104.004.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 ♣ W41303.005.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 x N-12001.506.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G9-Erickson-Levy
4 S-22001.506.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 N-33000.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 S21108.000.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H5-Miller-Miller
1 ♠ S1807.001.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
3 S-11005.502.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
3 N-11005.502.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
2 E41303.005.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 E41303.005.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
3 W41303.005.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 N-22000.507.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
2 N-22000.507.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
♠ K Q 6 5 3 2
7 3 2
♣ J 9 8
♠ 10 9
10 9 8 4
♣ Q 6 5 4 2
♠ 8 7 4
K J 5
Q 9 5 3
♣ A K 7
♠ A J
A Q 6
J 10 8 7 4 2
♣ 10 3

NS 2♠; EW 2; EW 2♣; NS 1; Par +100: EW 3♣x-1; EW 3x-1

3 E-31508.000.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 ♠ N31406.501.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
3 ♠ N31406.501.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
2 ♠ N21103.504.50G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G9-Erickson-Levy
2 ♠ N21103.504.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 ♠ N21103.504.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G3-Parker-Snow
2 ♠ S21103.504.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 W-21001.007.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
3 ♠ N-1500.008.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
3 x E-48008.000.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
2 ♠ N31406.002.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
3 ♠ N31406.002.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
2 ♠ N31406.002.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 ♠ N21102.505.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
2 ♠ N21102.505.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 ♠ N21102.505.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 ♠ N21102.505.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
1 NT E1900.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 3 2
Q 5 3 2
K 8 4
♣ J 9 8 2
♠ K J
K J 10 8 4
A 7 5
♣ K 6 5
♠ Q 7 5 4
9 6
10 9 6 3
♣ Q 7 4
♠ A 10 9 8 6
A 7
Q J 2
♣ A 10 3

S 2♠; NS 1N; NS 2♣; N 1♠; NS 1; NS 1; Par +110

2 ♠ E-33008.000.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 E-22006.501.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 W-22006.501.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♠ S21105.003.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 W-11004.004.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
1 NT S1901.506.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G3-Parker-Snow
1 NT S1901.506.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
1 NT S1901.506.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G8-Burton-McMullin
1 NT S1901.506.50G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 x W-25008.000.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
2 W-22006.501.50H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H5-Miller-Miller
2 x W-12006.501.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
2 ♠ S31405.003.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 ♠ S21103.504.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
2 ♠ N21103.504.50H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 W-11002.006.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
1 NT S1901.007.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
2 ♠ S-1500.008.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ A K J 9 8 6
A Q 10
♣ 7 5
♠ 10 5 4
K 7 4
10 7 2
♣ Q J 9 8
♠ Q
9 8 6 3
K J 9 8 6 5 3
♣ K
♠ 7 3 2
J 5 2
♣ A 10 6 4 3 2

NS 6♠; NS 5N; N 5; S 3; NS 4♣; N 1; Par +1430

4 ♠ N66804.503.50G1-Balter-Balter vs G3-Parker-Snow
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G4-Grantham-Duran vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G2-Durand-McCormick
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G8-Riley-Riley vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 ♠ N66804.503.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
5 ♠ N56500.008.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H5-Miller-Miller
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
4 ♠ N66805.003.00H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 NT N56601.007.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
4 ♠ N56500.008.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
♠ K Q 8 7 6 5 2
J 10 7
♣ 9 8
♠ A
Q 7 5 2
6 4 3 2
♣ Q J 4 2
♠ J 4 3
K 10 8
A Q 9
♣ A 10 7 5
♠ 10 9
A 9 6 4 3
K 8 5
♣ K 6 3

NS 3♠; EW 2; EW 3; EW 3♣; NS 1N; Par +100: EW 4♣x-1; EW 4x-1

3 ♠ x N46308.000.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
3 ♠ N41706.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 ♠ N41706.002.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G2-Durand-McCormick
3 ♠ N41706.002.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 ♠ N31403.005.00G6-Sheldon-Romz vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 ♠ N31403.005.00G10-Stieber-Morgan vs G1-Watson-Wicks
3 ♠ N31403.005.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 W-21001.007.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G10-Spicer-Pierce
4 ♣ E-1500.008.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G8-Burton-McMullin
3 ♠ x N35308.000.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H10-Tuggle-Meigs
4 x W-35007.001.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 ♠ N41706.002.00H10-Stone-Humphries vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 W-31505.003.00H1-Miedema-Miller vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
3 ♠ N31404.004.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 W-21002.505.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 W-21002.505.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
4 ♣ W-1501.007.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
3 ♣ E41300.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H5-Miller-Miller

Board 28
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ 7 5 2
8 5
A 7 5 4 2
♣ J 4 3
♠ 10 9 6 4
10 9 4 3 2
♣ A K
♠ Q
A Q J 6
♣ 10 9 8 7 6 5 2
♠ A K J 8 3
K 7
K 10 9 8 6
♣ Q

NS 4♠; EW 4; NS 3N; NS 5; EW 3♣; Par +100: EW 5x-1

4 ♠ S46207.001.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
4 ♠ S46207.001.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G8-Burton-McMullin
4 ♠ S46207.001.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♠ S41704.503.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 ♠ S41704.503.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 ♠ S31403.005.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
4 W-21002.006.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G1-Watson-Wicks
5 ♠ S-11001.007.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G2-Durand-McCormick
5 ♠ S-22000.008.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
4 ♠ S46207.500.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H2-Andress-Hercules
4 ♠ S46207.500.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
5 S56006.002.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 ♠ S41704.503.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
3 ♠ S41704.503.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
3 S41303.005.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
4 W-21002.006.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
4 W-1501.007.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
3 E31400.008.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne

Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ Q 9
9 7 3
J 8 7 3
♣ K Q 8 5
♠ K J 7
K Q 5 4
Q 9 6 5
♣ 7 4
♠ A 5 3
10 6
A K 10 2
♣ J 9 6 2
♠ 10 8 6 4 2
A J 8 2
♣ A 10 3

E 3N; EW 4; W 2N; EW 2; EW 1♠; EW 1♣; Par −600

3 NT E-55008.000.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G1-Watson-Wicks
2 NT E-22007.001.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT E-11006.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 E2905.003.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G8-Burton-McMullin
2 E31104.004.00G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
2 NT E21202.006.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 NT E21202.006.00G7-Marlatt-Park vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
2 NT E21202.006.00G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G9-Erickson-Levy
3 E41300.008.00G11-Currie-Pleason vs G3-Parker-Snow
3 NT E-33008.000.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 E-11006.501.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H2-Andress-Hercules
2 NT E-11006.501.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
1 NT E1905.003.00H3-Groner-Henke vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
2 NT E21203.504.50H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
1 NT E21203.504.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
2 NT E31502.006.00H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne
1 NT N-33001.007.00H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H5-Miller-Miller
3 NT W36000.008.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner

Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
♠ 8 7
Q 10 7 6 2
J 8 4
♣ 10 4 2
♠ 6 4 3 2
Q 6 2
♣ A 8 5 3
♠ K Q 9 5
5 4 3
A 10 7 5
♣ 7 6
♠ A J 10
A 9 8
K 9 3
♣ K Q J 9

EW 2♠; NS 2; NS 1N; EW 1; NS 1♣; Par −100: NS 2Nx-1; NS 3x-1

2 S41708.000.00G8-Riley-Riley vs G7-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 NT S31507.001.00G4-Grantham-Duran vs G8-Burton-McMullin
1 ♣ S31106.002.00G1-Balter-Balter vs G2-Durand-McCormick
2 ♠ W-21005.003.00G3-Grothus-St Pierre vs G6-De Marsh-Parker
2 ♠ E-1504.004.00G5-Du Bose Jr-Eick vs G1-Watson-Wicks
4 N-1502.505.50G2-Kalman-Reichek vs G4-LeCesne-Lotridge
3 NT S-1502.505.50G11-Currie-Pleason vs G3-Parker-Snow
1 ♠ W21100.507.50G7-Marlatt-Park vs G5-Gaizutis-Withers
2 ♠ W21100.507.50G9-Morris-Mullendore vs G9-Erickson-Levy
1 NT S31507.001.00H2-Starks-Della Mea vs H4-Van Volkenburgh-Tiner
1 NT S31507.001.00H4-Malcolmson-Sandfield vs H8-Timko-Hagedorn
1 NT S31507.001.00H5-Lanier-Zilic vs H1-Newton Jr-Bullard
2 NT S21204.503.50H6-Kennedy-Eveld vs H3-Jahnke-Holmes
1 NT S21204.503.50H8-Bernstein-Johnson vs H7-Feigley-Sparks
1 ♣ S31102.505.50H1-Miedema-Miller vs H2-Andress-Hercules
1 ♣ S31102.505.50H3-Groner-Henke vs H6-Kibikas-Pierce
1 S1700.507.50H7-Linzel-Schwall vs H5-Miller-Miller
1 ♣ S1700.507.50H9-Sandifer-Baker vs H9-Freedman-La Vigne