2015 Election Sectional

EVENT>Friday Open Pairs        |SESSION>2 Of 2 Eve   |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 24, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/24/2015 22:24|EVENT CODE>24O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston TX      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Election Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=6/C=2                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Phyllis Timko          Donald Timko             B   .     .     .    420.00  227.50    .     .     .    192.50  41.94
 2 Charles Dalton         Cheryl Smith             C   .     .     .    330.00  166.50    .     .     .    163.50  35.62
 3 Georgiana Gates        Virginia Zilic           A   1     .     .    560.00  284.50    1     .     .    275.50  60.02 20.28(OA)
 4 Daniel Jackson         Michael Miedema          B   .     .     .    478.00  214.00    3     1     .    264.00  57.52  1.19(SB)
 5 Curtis Polk            William Baker            A   .     .     .    411.50  184.50    .     .     .    227.00  49.46
 6 Gary Hercules          Sonia Bryant             B   .     .     .    394.00  242.00    .     .     .    152.00  33.12  0.76(SA)
 7 Mark Leighton          Paul Stereff             A   .     .     .    470.50  233.00    .     .     .    237.50  51.74
 8 Debi Balter            Joan Sitton              B   5     1     .    521.00  278.50    4     2     .    242.50  52.83  6.76(OA)
 9 Mimi Hagedorn          Jolie Hess               A   .     .     .    497.00  231.50    2     .     .    265.50  57.84  1.60(SA)
10 MJ Patricia Harley     Karen Jones              C   .     .     .    195.00    0.00    .     .     1    195.00  42.48  0.72(SC)

                                          Totals                        4277.00 2062.00                   2215.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>     1          10    10     2     3    10    10    10    10
         230   ----  480   480   420   450   480   480   480   480

   2>     1-         14     7    14     1-    7     7    11    14
        -150   ----  100   -90   100  -150   -90   -90    50   100

   3>     6-         14-   17     2-     -     -   14-    2-    6-
         -50   ----  140   500  -100  -300  -300   140  -100   -50

   4>     4     1-          7-   11-   11-   14-    4    14-   14-
         150   130   ----  170   600   600   750   150   750   750

   5>     8     3-          3-   15    12    17    10     3-    3-
         630   620   ----  620   690   660  1370   650   620   620

   6>     6    16           2     6    13-   15    11     6     0
        -660  -150   ---- -690  -660  -600  -500  -620  -660 -1370

   7>    15     3-    7           7    10-    7    16    13     1
         500  -200  -100   ---- -100   100  -100   730   200  -300

   8>     4-    0    14-          1-    8-    4-   10-    4-   12
        -420  -730   -50   ---- -450  -200  -420  -170  -420  -140

   9>    12     5-    5-           -   15    12    12     5-    5-
        -100  -600  -600   ---- -630   100  -100  -100  -600  -600

  10>    11     1-   11    16           4     7    11    14-    4
         140  -100   140   620   ----  -90   110   140   200   -90

  11>     8-   14     8-   14           8-    1     8-    1     3-
         120   150   120   150   ----  120  -110   120  -110    90

  12>     0     2-    8     4           8    14-   14-   14-    8
         110   620   650   630   ----  650   680   680   680   650

  13>     4     0    10    10    10          10     1-   15     1-
         690   170   720   720   720   ----  720   660  1390   660

  14>     3    13-   13-    8-    3           8-    3    17    12
        -430    50    50  -400  -430   ---- -400  -430   150  -110

  15>     4     4     8    11-   14-          4     8    11-   11-
        -200  -200  -100   140   170   ---- -200  -100   140   140

  16>     6-   10-   17     2-   16     2-         10-   13-    6-
        -500  -170   100  -620  -100  -620   ---- -170  -150  -500

  17>     2-    2-   14-    9    14-    0           9     9     9
        -420  -420   -50  -170   -50  -450   ---- -170  -170  -170

  18>     5-     -    5-   11-   11-     -         11-   15     5-
        -460 -1100  -460  -430  -430 -1100   ---- -430  -170  -460

  19>    14-    6     6    12    12     0    16           6     6
        -110  -150  -150  -120  -120  -600  -100   ---- -150  -150

  20>     5-    7-   11-   10     3     1    16-          3     5-
        -110  -100   110    90  -200  -300   800   ---- -200  -110

  21>    13-    7-    7-   15-    7-    7-    7-         12    11
         170   100   100   620   100   100   100   ----  140   130

  22>    10     2    16     5    14-    6    10     4           2
         430  -100   800   180   500   400   430   -50   ---- -100

  23>     5-   12     5-   16     2-    2-    5-   16           0
         110   140   110   200   100   100   110   200   ----  -90

  24>     8-    8-   12-    3     8-    3     0    17           8-
        -170  -170  -140  -420  -170  -420  -800    50   ---- -170

  25>    12-   12-    5    14     2     0     8-    5    16
        -120  -120  -600   100  -630  -800  -180  -600   200   ----

  26>    14-   10-   14-    6    17    10-    0     6    14-
         200   100   200  -100   500   100  -620  -100   200   ----

  27>     4-    4-   12    12    16     4-    4-    4-    4-
         450   450   480   480   800   450   450   450   450   ----

  28>           9-    9-    9-    1-    1-    9-    1-   17     9-
         ---- -450  -450  -450  -480  -480  -450  -480    50  -450

  29>           1    11    13     2     8    13     8     8    13
         ---- -800  -200  -110  -500  -300  -110  -300  -300  -110

  30>           3     3    14    11     8    14     8     3    11
         ---- -420  -420  -110  -140  -170  -110  -170  -420  -140

EVENT>Friday Open Pairs        |SESSION>2 Of 2 Eve   |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 24, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/24/2015 22:24|EVENT CODE>24O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston TX      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Election Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=4/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Eric Watson            Daniel Leightman         C   .     .     2    459.50  251.00    .    2/3   1/2   208.50  45.42  2.20(SC)
 2 Hugh Humphries         Jeffery Parker           C   .     .     3    420.50  212.00    .    2/3   1/2   208.50  45.42  1.42(OC)
 3 David Henke            Pat Levy                 A   8     .     .    503.00  244.50    4     .     .    258.50  56.32  4.51(OA)
 4 Julia Ann Sullivan     James Simmons            C   .     .     .    404.00  218.50    .     .     .    185.50  40.41  0.73(SB)
 5 Linda Sutton           Karen Nimmons            A   .     .     .    488.50  206.50    2     .     .    282.00  61.44  1.60(SA)
 6 Oren Moore             Ralda St Pierre          A   3     .     .    536.00  248.00    1     .     .    288.00  62.75 11.41(OA)
 7 Catherine Miller       Hugh Miller              A   .     .     .    456.00  229.00    .     .     .    227.00  49.46  0.76(SA)
 8 Vic Sowers             George Fox               A   2     .     .    537.50  301.50    .     .     .    236.00  51.42 15.21(OA)
 9 Lynda Kornbleet        Mark Howard              B   .     .     .    214.50    0.00    .     1     .    214.50  46.73  1.04(SB)
10 Pat McMullin           James Thurtell           A   .     .     .    266.50    0.00    3     .     .    266.50  58.06  1.15(SA)

                                          Totals                        4286.00 1911.00                   2375.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>    16           7     7     7     7     7    15     7    14
        -230   ---- -480  -480  -480  -480  -480  -420  -480  -450

   2>    15-         10     3    10    10     6     3     3    15-
         150   ----   90  -100    90    90   -50  -100  -100   150

   3>    10-         16-    2-    2-    0    14-   14-   10-   16-
          50   ----  300  -140  -140  -500   100   100    50   300

   4>     2-   15-         13     9-    2-    5-    2-    5-   13
        -750  -130   ---- -150  -170  -750  -600  -750  -600  -150

   5>     0    13-          7    13-   13-    2    13-    5     9
       -1370  -620   ---- -650  -620  -620  -690  -620  -660  -630

   6>     2     1           6    15    11    11    17     3-   11
         500   150   ----  620   690   660   660  1370   600   660

   7>    13-    1    10           4    10    16     6-    2    10
         200  -730   100   ---- -200   100   300  -100  -500   100

   8>    17     6-    2-         12-   15-    5     8-   12-   12-
         730   170    50   ----  420   450   140   200   420   420

   9>    11-    5    11-         11-   16-   11-    2     5     5
         600   100   600   ----  600   630   600  -100   100   100

  10>     6     6     2-    1          13    13     6    10    15-
        -140  -140  -200  -620   ----   90    90  -140  -110   100

  11>     8-    8-   16     3          13-    8-    8-   16     3
        -120  -120   110  -150   ----  -90  -120  -120   110  -150

  12>     2-    9     2-   13           9     9    17     2-   14-
        -680  -650  -680  -630   ---- -650  -650  -110  -680  -620

  13>     7     2     7    15-    7          13     7    17    15-
        -720 -1390  -720  -660  -720   ---- -690  -720  -170  -660

  14>     3-    0     8-    5    14          14     8-    3-   14
         -50  -150   400   110   430   ----  430   400   -50   430

  15>     9     5-    5-    5-    2-         13    13    13     9
         100  -140  -140  -140  -170   ----  200   200   200   100

  16>     3-   14-   10-    1    10-   14-          6-    6-    0
         150   620   500   100   500   620   ----  170   170  -100

  17>     8     8     8     2-   14-   17          14-    8     2-
         170   170   170    50   420   450   ----  420   170    50

  18>     2     5-   11-    5-   11-   16-         16-    5-   11-
         170   430   460   430   460  1100   ---- 1100   430   460

  19>     5    11     5     2-   17    11     1          11    11
         120   150   120   110   600   150   100   ----  150   150

  20>     7    11-   14    11-   16     9-     -          5-   14
         -90   110   200   110   300   100  -800   ---- -110   200

  21>     1-    6     9-    3-    9-    9-    9-          9-    5
        -620  -130  -100  -170  -100  -100  -100   ---- -100  -140

  22>    15     2-    7    11    15     7     1    13          12
         100  -500  -430  -400   100  -430  -800    50   ---- -180

  23>    17    14-   11-   14-    5    11-   11-    1           1
          90  -100  -110  -100  -140  -110  -110  -200   ---- -200

  24>     8-    8-    8-   14     8-   17     4-    0          14
         170   170   170   420   170   800   140   -50   ----  420

  25>    15     4-   17     4-    8-   12    12     3     1
         630   120   800   120   180   600   600  -100  -200   ----

  26>     0     2-    6-    6-   17     2-   11    11     2-
        -500  -200  -100  -100   620  -200   100   100  -200   ----

  27>     1    12-   12-   12-   12-    5    12-    5    12-
        -800  -450  -450  -450  -450  -480  -450  -480  -450   ----

  28>          15-    7-    7-    7-   15-    7-    0    15-    7-
         ----  480   450   450   450   480   450   -50   480   450

  29>           9    16     4     6     9     4     9    15     4
         ----  300   800   110   200   300   110   300   500   110

  30>           9    14     3    14     9     3    14     6     6
         ----  170   420   110   420   170   110   420   140   140

EVENT>Friday Open Pairs        |SESSION>2 Of 2 Eve   |SECTION> H N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 24, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/24/2015 22:24|EVENT CODE>24O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston TX      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Election Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=4/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Karla Riddick          Joe Everette             B   .     .     .    395.00  193.50    .     .     .    201.50  43.90
 2 Chie Yen               Meng-Chr Tsai            C   .     4     1    486.50  228.50    3     1     1    258.00  56.21  2.53(OC)
 3 Edward Groner          Victor Sitton            A   9     .     .    499.00  221.50    1     .     .    277.50  60.46  4.06(OA)
 4 Tzvetomira Haigh       Sheryl Thomas            C   .     .     .    416.00  188.50    .     .     .    227.50  49.56
 5 Anna Marlatt           Brigitte Sandifer        A   .     .     .    486.50  272.50    .     .     .    214.00  46.62  2.18(SA)
 6 Jack Stone             Kay Humphries            A   6     .     .    520.50  247.00    2     .     .    273.50  59.59  5.79(OA)
 7 Sandra Parker          Toni Snow                A   .     .     .    441.50  221.50    .     .     .    220.00  47.93
 8 Audrey Thompson        Wanda Meyer              A   .     .     .    438.50  214.00    .     .     .    224.50  48.91
 9 Gabriel Perry          Youssef Youssef          A   .     .     .    484.00  234.00    4     .     .    250.00  54.47  1.89(SA)
10 Edna Kelly             Anne Davis               C   .     .     .    228.50    0.00    .     2     .    228.50  49.78  0.73(SB)

                                          Totals                        4396.00 2021.00                   2375.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>    10          10    10    10    10    10    17    10     0
         480   ----  480   480   480   480   480   980   480   150

   2>     7          14     7     7    14     7    17     0     3
         -90   ----  100   -90   -90   100   -90   150  -500  -130

   3>    10           6-   11-    6-   14-   14-   11-    6-    6-
         100   ----  -50   110   -50   140   140   110   -50   -50

   4>    14-    7-          1-    7-    0    17     4     7-   10
         750   170   ----  130   170   100   950   150   170   500

   5>     3-   12           8     3-   15    12     8     0    15
         620   660   ----  630   620   690   660   630   600   690

   6>     1    13-          6     6    17    11     6    11     6
        -720  -600   ---- -660  -660   100  -620  -660  -620  -660

   7>    17    10-    7          13    13     7     1     1     3-
        1100   100  -100   ----  200   200  -100  -300  -300  -200

   8>    10-   13     7           4-   16-   16-   14-    8-    1-
        -170  -100  -300   ---- -420   130   130   -50  -200  -450

   9>      -    5-   16-          5-   16-   10    14     5-    5-
        -630  -600   200   ---- -600   200  -140   -50  -600  -600

  10>    11    17    11    14-          7     0     4     7     1-
         140   790   140   200   ----  110  -130   -90   110  -100

  11>     8-   16     8-    3-          1    17     8-   14     8-
         120   170   120    90   ---- -110   280   120   150   120

  12>     1    12     8     2-         14-    8     8     8    17
         230   660   650   620   ----  680   650   650   650  1100

  13>    10    16-   10     4    16-          4    10    10    10
         720  1470   720   690  1470   ----  690   720   720   720

  14>     3     3    15-    3     3          11     8-   15-    8-
        -430  -430   100  -430  -430   ---- -120  -400   100  -400

  15>     4    11-    0     8    17           4     1    16    14-
        -200   140  -400  -100   660   ---- -200  -300   620   170

  16>    13-    0     9    13-   13-    6-          6-    2-    2-
        -150  -790  -300  -150  -150  -500   ---- -500  -620  -620

  17>     9    17     9    13     5     2-          9    16     2-
        -170   110  -170  -140  -300  -420   ---- -170    50  -420

  18>     5-   11-   11-   11-   16-    5-          2     5-   16-
        -460  -430  -430  -430    50  -460   ---- -490  -460    50

  19>     6    14-    6     6     6     1    12           6    17
        -150  -110  -150  -150  -150  -200  -120   ---- -150    90

  20>    11-    0    16-    9     7-   15     3          13-   13-
         110  -380   800  PASS  -100   300  -200   ----  200   200

  21>     2     0     7-    4     2    13-    2          17    15-
        -100  -550   100    50  -100   170  -100   ----  790   620

  22>     7    10    14-    0     2    17    10    13          10
         420   430   500  -200  -100  1100   430   460   ----  430

  23>     1     8-   12    16    12     5-   12    12           8-
          90   120   140   200   140   110   140   140   ----  120

  24>     3     8-   15    14     8-   16     3     3          12-
        -420  -170  -110  -120  -170   -90  -420  -420   ---- -140

  25>    10-    2    16    16    10-    8-    2     5     7
        -150  -630   200   200  -150  -180  -630  -600  -300   ----

  26>     6     2     1    14-    3     6     6    10-   10-
        -100  -170  -200   200  -140  -100  -100   100   100   ----

  27>    15    12    12     4-    4-   17     4-    4-   12
         500   480   480   450   450   980   450   450   480   ----

  28>           9-    9-    9-    4     1-    9-   16     9-   15
         ---- -450  -450  -450  -460  -480  -450  -200  -450  -230

  29>           8    16     0    16     8     4     4    16     4
         ---- -300   100 -1100   100  -300  -400  -400   100  -400

  30>          16-    8    16-    3    11     3     6    14     0
         ----   50  -170    50  -420  -140  -420  -200  -110  -450

EVENT>Friday Open Pairs        |SESSION>2 Of 2 Eve   |SECTION> H E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 24, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/24/2015 22:24|EVENT CODE>24O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston TX      |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Election Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=10/B=7/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Yin Choo               Gordon Yee               B   .     3     .    494.50  269.50    .     .     .    225.00  49.02  2.39(OB)
 2 Jack Rawitscher        Arlene Rawitscher        C   .     .     .    380.00  211.00    .     .     .    169.00  36.82  0.72(SC)
 3 Peggy Geiler           Patricia McGee Cullen    B   .     5     .    481.50  242.00    3     2     .    239.50  52.18  1.93(SA)
 4 Raj Pruthi             Susan Theiss             B   .     .     .    412.00  180.50    .     3     .    231.50  50.44  0.64(SB)
 5 Betsy Dubose           Thomas Jahnke            A   .     .     .    460.00  244.00    .     .     .    216.00  47.06  1.09(SA)
 6 Brett Elliott          Harry Elliott            B   7     2     .    518.50  265.50    2     1     .    253.00  55.12  5.07(OA)
 7 Randall Lake           Marsha Bernstein         A   4     .     .    526.50  255.50    1     .     .    271.00  59.04  8.56(OA)
 8 Ben Landers            Lenna Landers            C   .     .     .    390.00  202.00    .     .     .    188.00  40.96
 9 Daniel Suty            Jack Balter              A   .     .     .    432.50  199.00    4     .     .    233.50  50.87  0.80(SA)
10 Barry Morgan           Alok Bhargava            C   .     .     .    188.50    0.00    .     .     1    188.50  41.07  0.78(SC)

                                          Totals                        4284.00 2069.00                   2215.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
   1>     7           7     7     0     7     7     7    17     7
        -480   ---- -480  -480  -980  -480  -480  -480  -150  -480

   2>    10          10     3     0    10    17    10    14     3
          90   ----   90  -100  -150    90   500    90   130  -100

   3>     7           2-   10-    5-    5-   10-   10-   10-    2-
        -100   ---- -140    50  -110  -110    50    50    50  -140

   4>     0     9-         13    15-    9-    9-    7    17     2-
        -950  -170   ---- -150  -130  -170  -170  -500  -100  -750

   5>     5     5           9     9    17    13-    2     2    13-
        -660  -660   ---- -630  -630  -600  -620  -690  -690  -620

   6>     6     3-         11    11     6    11    11     0    16
         620   600   ----  660   660   620   660   660  -100   720

   7>     6-   16    10          16     4    13-    4     0    10
        -100   300   100   ----  300  -200   200  -200 -1100   100

   8>     4     2-   10           8-   12-   15-     -    6-     -
         100    50   300   ----  200   420   450  -130   170  -130

   9>    11-    3      -         11-   11-   11-     -   16-    7
         600    50  -200   ----  600   600   600  -200   630   140

  10>    13     6    10     2-         15-   10     6    17     0
          90  -140  -110  -200   ----  100  -110  -140   130  -790

  11>     8-    8-    3    13-          8-   16     8-    0     1
        -120  -120  -150   -90   ---- -120   110  -120  -280  -170

  12>     9     9     9    14-          0     2-   16     9     5
        -650  -650  -650  -620   -----1100  -680  -230  -650  -660

  13>     7     7    13     7      -          7    13      -    7
        -720  -720  -690  -720 -1470   ---- -720  -690 -1470  -720

  14>     1-    1-   14     8-   14          14     6    14     8-
        -100  -100   430   400   430   ----  430   120   430   400

  15>    17     1     9     2-    0          13    13     5-   16
         400  -620   100  -170  -660   ----  200   200  -140   300

  16>    14-    3-   14-    3-    3-   10-         17    10-    8
         620   150   620   150   150   500   ----  790   500   300

  17>     1     4    14-   12     8    14-          0     8     8
         -50   140   420   300   170   420   ---- -110   170   170

  18>    11-    5-     -     -   11-   11-          5-   15     5-
         460   430   -50   -50   460   460   ----  430   490   430

  19>    11     0    11    11    16     2-    5          11    11
         150   -90   150   150   200   110   120   ----  150   150

  20>     8     3-    9-    5-    2    17    14            -    3-
        PASS  -200   100  -110  -300   380   200   ---- -800  -200

  21>    13     1-   15    15     3-   17    15           9-    0
         -50  -620   100   100  -170   550   100   ---- -100  -790

  22>     7    15    10     0     7     7     2-    4          17
        -430   100  -420 -1100  -430  -430  -500  -460   ----  200

  23>     8-    5    16    11-    8-    5     5     5           1
        -120  -140   -90  -110  -120  -140  -140  -140   ---- -200

  24>     4-    8-   14     1     8-   14     2    14           3
         140   170   420    90   170   420   110   420   ----  120

  25>     6-    6-    8-   15    15     1    12     1    10
         150   150   180   630   630  -200   600  -200   300   ----

  26>    14    11    11    15    11    16     6-    2-    6-
         140   100   100   170   100   200  -100  -200  -100   ----

  27>    12-    2     0     5    12-    5    12-   12-    5
        -450  -500  -980  -480  -450  -480  -450  -450  -480   ----

  28>          15-    7-    7-    7-    1     7-    7-   13     2
         ----  480   450   450   450   200   450   450   460   230

  29>           9     9    13     1    13    17     1     1    13
         ----  300   300   400  -100   400  1100  -100  -100   400

  30>           6      -   14     9    11      -    3    14    17
         ----  140   -50   420   170   200   -50   110   420   450
Friday Open Pairs, 2 Of 2 Eve, April 24, 2015

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
A 3
A K 9 4
A K J 9 4
K 10 9 6 5 4
A Q 9
Q 8 2
Q 7
Q 8
7 6 4 3 2
10 7 6 3
J 8 2
J 10 7 6 5 3
10 8 5

NS 6; NS 5N; NS 3; W 1; NS 1; Par +980

4 N648010.007.00G3-Gates-ZilicG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 S648010.007.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG6-Moore-St Pierre
4 S648010.007.00G7-Leighton-StereffG3-Henke-Levy
4 N648010.007.00G8-Balter-SittonG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 S648010.007.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG7-Miller-Miller
4 S648010.007.00G10-Harley-JonesG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 N54503.0014.00G6-Hercules-BryantG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 S44202.0015.00G5-Polk-BakerG8-Sowers-Fox
3 S62301.0016.00G1-Timko-TimkoG1-Watson-Leightman
6 S698017.000.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH5-Dubose-Jahnke
4 N648010.007.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH1-Choo-Yee
4 S648010.007.00H3-Groner-SittonH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 S648010.007.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 S648010.007.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH8-Landers-Landers
4 S648010.007.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 S648010.007.00H7-Parker-SnowH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 S648010.007.00H9-Perry-YoussefH7-Lake-Bernstein
4 W−31500.0017.00H10-Kelly-DavisH9-Suty-Balter

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
6 4
A Q 6 5
A K 4 3
9 8 3
Q 8 7
9 2
J 8 6
A Q J 10 6
A J 9 3
Q 10 7 5 2
K 2
K 10 5 2
10 8 7 4 3
7 5 4

EW 2; NS 2; EW 3; EW 1N; EW 2; Par −110

3 NTE−210014.003.00G3-Gates-ZilicG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 NTE−210014.003.00G5-Polk-BakerG8-Sowers-Fox
4 E−210014.003.00G10-Harley-JonesG9-Kornbleet-Howard
2 NTE−15011.006.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG7-Miller-Miller
1 NTW1907.0010.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG6-Moore-St Pierre
1 NTW1907.0010.00G7-Leighton-StereffG3-Henke-Levy
1 NTW1907.0010.00G8-Balter-SittonG5-Sutton-Nimmons
1 NTW31501.5015.50G1-Timko-TimkoG1-Watson-Leightman
1 NTW31501.5015.50G6-Hercules-BryantG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 NTE−315017.000.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTW−210014.003.00H3-Groner-SittonH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTE−210014.003.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH10-Morgan-Bhargava
1 NTW1907.0010.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH1-Choo-Yee
1 NTW1907.0010.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH6-Elliott-Elliott
1 NTW1907.0010.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH8-Landers-Landers
1 NTW1907.0010.00H7-Parker-SnowH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
2 E41303.0014.00H10-Kelly-DavisH9-Suty-Balter
3 ×N−25000.0017.00H9-Perry-YoussefH7-Lake-Bernstein

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
A 5 2
K J 9 8 4
A J 8 3
J 10 9 8
9 5 3
A 5 3
9 5 2
A Q J 8 6 4
10 6
K Q 6 4
K 7 6 4 3
K 7 2
Q 7 2
10 7

NS 2; EW 2; NS 3; NS 1N; N 1; Par +110

4 ×E−250017.000.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 N314014.502.50G3-Gates-ZilicG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 S314014.502.50G8-Balter-SittonG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 S−1506.5010.50G1-Timko-TimkoG1-Watson-Leightman
3 S−1506.5010.50G10-Harley-JonesG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 S−21002.5014.50G5-Polk-BakerG8-Sowers-Fox
4 S−21002.5014.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG7-Miller-Miller
4 ×N−23000.5016.50G6-Hercules-BryantG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 ×S−23000.5016.50G7-Leighton-StereffG3-Henke-Levy
3 S314014.502.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 S314014.502.50H7-Parker-SnowH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
2 S211011.505.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 N211011.505.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 E−110010.007.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH1-Choo-Yee
3 S−1506.5010.50H3-Groner-SittonH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 S−1506.5010.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH8-Landers-Landers
3 S−1506.5010.50H9-Perry-YoussefH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 S−1506.5010.50H10-Kelly-DavisH9-Suty-Balter

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
Q J 10 8 6 5
K 8
K 6 4 3
10 9 5
A K 7 3 2
A J 6
8 7
K 8 7 6 4 2
9 4
Q 10 7 5
9 4 3 2
A Q J 10 9 5

NS 3N; NS 5; EW 2; NS 2; NS 2; Par +600

5 ×S575014.502.50G7-Leighton-StereffG1-Watson-Leightman
5 ×S575014.502.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG6-Moore-St Pierre
5 ×S575014.502.50G10-Harley-JonesG8-Sowers-Fox
5 S560011.505.50G5-Polk-BakerG7-Miller-Miller
5 S560011.505.50G6-Hercules-BryantG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 S61707.509.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 S51504.0013.00G1-Timko-TimkoG10-McMullin-Thurtell
2 S51504.0013.00G8-Balter-SittonG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 S41301.5015.50G2-Dalton-SmithG2-Humphries-Parker
5 ×S695017.000.00H7-Parker-SnowH1-Choo-Yee
5 ×S575014.502.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 ×E−250010.007.00H10-Kelly-DavisH8-Landers-Landers
3 S61707.509.50H2-Yen-TsaiH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 S61707.509.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH7-Lake-Bernstein
4 S61707.509.50H9-Perry-YoussefH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 S51504.0013.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 S41301.5015.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 E−11000.0017.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH9-Suty-Balter

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
A K 9 7 3
A J 2
J 9 8
7 3
8 5 2
K 9 8 5 4
J 10 9 6
Q J 6
10 7 3
6 3 2
A 8 4 2
10 4
Q 6
A K 10 7 5 4
K Q 5

NS 6N; NS 6; NS 5; NS 2; S 2; N 1; Par +1440

6 N6137017.000.00G7-Leighton-StereffG1-Watson-Leightman
3 NTS669015.002.00G5-Polk-BakerG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTS566012.005.00G6-Hercules-BryantG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 N565010.007.00G8-Balter-SittonG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 NTN46308.009.00G1-Timko-TimkoG10-McMullin-Thurtell
5 S66203.5013.50G2-Dalton-SmithG2-Humphries-Parker
5 S66203.5013.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG5-Sutton-Nimmons
5 S66203.5013.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG6-Moore-St Pierre
4 N46203.5013.50G10-Harley-JonesG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTS669015.002.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH9-Suty-Balter
3 NTN669015.002.00H10-Kelly-DavisH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTN566012.005.00H2-Yen-TsaiH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NTS566012.005.00H7-Parker-SnowH1-Choo-Yee
4 NTN46308.009.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTS46308.009.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 N46203.5013.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH10-Morgan-Bhargava
5 S66203.5013.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTN36000.0017.00H9-Perry-YoussefH6-Elliott-Elliott

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
J 8 7 6 5
9 8 6 4
Q 6 4 2
A 2
A J 9
K Q 9 4 3 2
A 4 3
7 3
10 8 7
A J 10 8 7
10 9 2
K Q J 10 5
K 5 3
6 5

EW 6; EW 5N; S 2; EW 2; NS 1; N 1; Par −800: S 6×−4

2 W515016.001.00G2-Dalton-SmithG2-Humphries-Parker
6 ×S−350015.002.00G7-Leighton-StereffG1-Watson-Leightman
5 W560013.503.50G6-Hercules-BryantG9-Kornbleet-Howard
5 W662011.006.00G8-Balter-SittonG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 NTE56606.0011.00G1-Timko-TimkoG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 NTE56606.0011.00G5-Polk-BakerG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTW56606.0011.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 NTW66902.0015.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG5-Sutton-Nimmons
6 W613700.0017.00G10-Harley-JonesG8-Sowers-Fox
6 NTE−110017.000.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH9-Suty-Balter
5 W560013.503.50H2-Yen-TsaiH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 W662011.006.00H7-Parker-SnowH1-Choo-Yee
5 W662011.006.00H9-Perry-YoussefH6-Elliott-Elliott
3 NTW56606.0011.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTW56606.0011.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTW56606.0011.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTW56606.0011.00H10-Kelly-DavisH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTW77201.0016.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH10-Morgan-Bhargava

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
A K 7 6 2
7 6
Q 9 7
A Q 9
A K 10 5 4 2
J 10 5 3 2
Q 8 5 3
Q 9 8 5 4 2
K 6 4
10 9 4
A J 10 3
J 8 6 3
8 7

NS 2; N 2; NS 1N; W 2; S 1; EW 1; E 1; Par +110

3 ×N373016.001.00G8-Balter-SittonG2-Humphries-Parker
3 ×E−250015.002.00G1-Timko-TimkoG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 E−220013.004.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 W−110010.506.50G6-Hercules-BryantG8-Sowers-Fox
3 N−11007.0010.00G3-Gates-ZilicG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTN−11007.0010.00G5-Polk-BakerG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 N−11007.0010.00G7-Leighton-StereffG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 N−22003.5013.50G2-Dalton-SmithG1-Watson-Leightman
3 N−33001.0016.00G10-Harley-JonesG7-Miller-Miller
5 ×W−4110017.000.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH9-Suty-Balter
4 W−220013.004.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 W−220013.004.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH8-Landers-Landers
3 W−110010.506.50H2-Yen-TsaiH1-Choo-Yee
4 N−11007.0010.00H3-Groner-SittonH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
3 N−11007.0010.00H7-Parker-SnowH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 N−22003.5013.50H10-Kelly-DavisH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 N−33001.0016.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 N−33001.0016.00H9-Perry-YoussefH5-Dubose-Jahnke

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
K Q 6
K 4
A Q J 10 8 6
10 8
Q 8 6 5
K Q J 9 5 2
8 7 3 2
A J 9 3 2
9 5 3
10 9 5 4
10 7
K 4 2
A 7 6 4

EW 4; EW 4; NS 2; NS 3; NS 1N; Par −300: NS 4×−2; NS 5×−2

4 N−15014.502.50G3-Gates-ZilicG3-Henke-Levy
3 E314012.005.00G10-Harley-JonesG7-Miller-Miller
3 E417010.506.50G8-Balter-SittonG2-Humphries-Parker
3 W52008.508.50G6-Hercules-BryantG8-Sowers-Fox
4 W44204.5012.50G1-Timko-TimkoG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 E44204.5012.50G7-Leighton-StereffG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 W44204.5012.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 W54501.5015.50G5-Polk-BakerG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 ×E57300.0017.00G2-Dalton-SmithG1-Watson-Leightman
4 N413016.500.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH8-Landers-Landers
4 N413016.500.50H7-Parker-SnowH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 N−15014.502.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 S−210013.004.00H2-Yen-TsaiH1-Choo-Yee
3 W417010.506.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH9-Suty-Balter
3 E52008.508.50H9-Perry-YoussefH5-Dubose-Jahnke
5 ×N−23007.0010.00H3-Groner-SittonH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 E44204.5012.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 E54501.5015.50H10-Kelly-DavisH7-Lake-Bernstein

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
Q 10 9 3 2
10 6 5 2
Q 10 9
K 5
10 6 4
A K 9 8
A 8 7 4
A J 7 6
K 5 3
Q J 7
J 6 3
8 4
A Q J 9 8 2
4 3
K 5 2

EW 3N; EW 2; E 3; E 3; W 2; W 2; E 1; Par −600

3 W−110015.002.00G6-Hercules-BryantG8-Sowers-Fox
3 S−210012.005.00G1-Timko-TimkoG9-Kornbleet-Howard
2 S−210012.005.00G7-Leighton-StereffG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 S−210012.005.00G8-Balter-SittonG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTE36005.5011.50G2-Dalton-SmithG1-Watson-Leightman
3 NTE36005.5011.50G3-Gates-ZilicG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTE36005.5011.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 NTE36005.5011.50G10-Harley-JonesG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTE46300.5016.50G5-Polk-BakerG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 E−220016.500.50H3-Groner-SittonH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 E−220016.500.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH8-Landers-Landers
2 S−15014.003.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 E314010.007.00H7-Parker-SnowH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 NTE36005.5011.50H2-Yen-TsaiH1-Choo-Yee
3 NTE36005.5011.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH6-Elliott-Elliott
3 NTE36005.5011.50H9-Perry-YoussefH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTE36005.5011.50H10-Kelly-DavisH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTE46300.5016.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH9-Suty-Balter

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
Q 9 8 7 6 5 4
J 7 5
A 9
K Q 2
8 5 3 2
J 9 8 4 3
J 10
A 8 6
K 10 7 6 4
A K 7
A K 2
10 9 4 3
Q 6 5 2

EW 4; EW 4; NS 2N; NS 2; Par −130

4 N462016.001.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG4-Sullivan-Simmons
1 NTE−220014.502.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG3-Henke-Levy
2 N314011.006.00G1-Timko-TimkoG8-Sowers-Fox
2 N314011.006.00G3-Gates-ZilicG2-Humphries-Parker
3 N314011.006.00G8-Balter-SittonG1-Watson-Leightman
2 N21107.0010.00G7-Leighton-StereffG9-Kornbleet-Howard
1 NTE1904.0013.00G6-Hercules-BryantG7-Miller-Miller
1 NTE1904.0013.00G10-Harley-JonesG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 N−11001.5015.50G2-Dalton-SmithG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 ×N479017.000.00H2-Yen-TsaiH10-Morgan-Bhargava
1 NTE−220014.502.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 N314011.006.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH8-Landers-Landers
2 N314011.006.00H3-Groner-SittonH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 N21107.0010.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH7-Lake-Bernstein
2 N21107.0010.00H9-Perry-YoussefH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
1 NTE1904.0013.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH1-Choo-Yee
3 N−11001.5015.50H10-Kelly-DavisH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 E41300.0017.00H7-Parker-SnowH9-Suty-Balter

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
K 9 7
Q J 9 6
9 7 2
7 5 2
10 6 5 4
K 5 2
10 4
K 9 4 3
Q J 8 3
8 7
Q 8 5 3
A 2
A 10 4 3
A K J 6
10 8 6

NS 3; NS 2N; EW 2; NS 2; Par +100: EW 3×−1

1 NTS315014.003.00G2-Dalton-SmithG10-McMullin-Thurtell
1 NTS315014.003.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG4-Sullivan-Simmons
1 NTS21208.508.50G1-Timko-TimkoG8-Sowers-Fox
1 NTN21208.508.50G3-Gates-ZilicG2-Humphries-Parker
1 NTS21208.508.50G6-Hercules-BryantG7-Miller-Miller
1 NTS21208.508.50G8-Balter-SittonG1-Watson-Leightman
1 NTS1903.5013.50G10-Harley-JonesG6-Moore-St Pierre
2 E21101.0016.00G7-Leighton-StereffG9-Kornbleet-Howard
2 E21101.0016.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG3-Henke-Levy
1 NT×S228017.000.00H7-Parker-SnowH9-Suty-Balter
2 S417016.001.00H2-Yen-TsaiH10-Morgan-Bhargava
1 NTS315014.003.00H9-Perry-YoussefH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
1 NTS21208.508.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH8-Landers-Landers
1 NTS21208.508.50H3-Groner-SittonH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 NTS21208.508.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH1-Choo-Yee
1 NTS21208.508.50H10-Kelly-DavisH6-Elliott-Elliott
1 NTS1903.5013.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH4-Pruthi-Theiss
2 E21101.0016.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH7-Lake-Bernstein

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
J 8 4 3
A K 9
A 9
A K 5 3
Q 9 6
10 7 3
Q 4 3 2
8 4 2
10 5
Q 2
K J 10 8 6
Q 10 9 6
A K 7 2
J 8 6 5 4
7 5
J 7

NS 6; NS 5; NS 4N; NS 4; NS 2; Par +1430

4 N668014.502.50G7-Leighton-StereffG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 N668014.502.50G8-Balter-SittonG1-Watson-Leightman
4 N668014.502.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG3-Henke-Levy
4 N56508.009.00G3-Gates-ZilicG2-Humphries-Parker
4 S56508.009.00G6-Hercules-BryantG7-Miller-Miller
4 S56508.009.00G10-Harley-JonesG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 NTN46304.0013.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 N46202.5014.50G2-Dalton-SmithG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 N31100.0017.00G1-Timko-TimkoG8-Sowers-Fox
5 ×E−5110017.000.00H10-Kelly-DavisH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 N668014.502.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTS566012.005.00H2-Yen-TsaiH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 S56508.009.00H3-Groner-SittonH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 S56508.009.00H7-Parker-SnowH9-Suty-Balter
4 S56508.009.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH1-Choo-Yee
4 S56508.009.00H9-Perry-YoussefH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 S46202.5014.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH4-Pruthi-Theiss
2 N62301.0016.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH8-Landers-Landers

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
A J 7 6
A Q 7
8 6 5
K 9 4
9 3 2
4 2
J 3
Q 10 8 7 6 5
Q 8 5
J 10 8 6 5 3
K 7
J 2
K 10 4
K 9
A Q 10 9 4 2
A 3

NS 7N; NS 7; NS 7; NS 4; NS 3; Par +2220

6 S7139015.002.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTN772010.007.00G3-Gates-ZilicG1-Watson-Leightman
3 NTN772010.007.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTN772010.007.00G5-Polk-BakerG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 NTS772010.007.00G7-Leighton-StereffG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTS66904.0013.00G1-Timko-TimkoG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTS56601.5015.50G8-Balter-SittonG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 NTS56601.5015.50G10-Harley-JonesG4-Sullivan-Simmons
2 S61700.0017.00G2-Dalton-SmithG9-Kornbleet-Howard
6 NTN7147016.500.50H2-Yen-TsaiH9-Suty-Balter
6 NTN7147016.500.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTN772010.007.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTN772010.007.00H3-Groner-SittonH1-Choo-Yee
3 NTS772010.007.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 NTN772010.007.00H9-Perry-YoussefH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 NTN772010.007.00H10-Kelly-DavisH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTN66904.0013.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
3 NTN66904.0013.00H7-Parker-SnowH8-Landers-Landers

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
8 4 3 2
8 5
K 10 8 7
A J 9
Q J 9
Q 2
K Q 8 7 5
7 6 5
A 4 3 2
A 9 6 5
10 6
J 10 9
K 10 7 6
J 4 3
4 3 2

EW 3; EW 2N; EW 2; EW 3; EW 2; Par −140

4 E−315017.000.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTW−15013.503.50G2-Dalton-SmithG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 E−15013.503.50G3-Gates-ZilicG1-Watson-Leightman
3 W311012.005.00G10-Harley-JonesG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 NTW34008.508.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTE34008.508.50G7-Leighton-StereffG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTW44303.0014.00G1-Timko-TimkoG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTW44303.0014.00G5-Polk-BakerG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 NTW44303.0014.00G8-Balter-SittonG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 E−210015.501.50H3-Groner-SittonH1-Choo-Yee
3 NTW−210015.501.50H9-Perry-YoussefH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 NTW212011.006.00H7-Parker-SnowH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTW34008.508.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 NTW34008.508.50H10-Kelly-DavisH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTW44303.0014.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTW44303.0014.00H2-Yen-TsaiH9-Suty-Balter
3 NTW44303.0014.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
3 NTW44303.0014.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH5-Dubose-Jahnke

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
A K 7
Q J 9 8 2
J 8 2
6 3
Q 8 2
10 7 5
10 7 6
A Q 9 8
9 6
K 6 4
K Q 9 5 3
J 7 4
J 10 5 4 3
A 3
A 4
K 10 5 2

NS 3; NS 2N; NS 2; EW 1; NS 1; Par +140

3 N417014.502.50G5-Polk-BakerG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 S314011.505.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG3-Henke-Levy
3 S314011.505.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG2-Humphries-Parker
2 N314011.505.50G10-Harley-JonesG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 N−11008.009.00G3-Gates-ZilicG1-Watson-Leightman
3 S−11008.009.00G8-Balter-SittonG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 S−22004.0013.00G1-Timko-TimkoG7-Miller-Miller
4 S−22004.0013.00G2-Dalton-SmithG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 S−22004.0013.00G7-Leighton-StereffG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTN566017.000.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH5-Dubose-Jahnke
4 S462016.001.00H9-Perry-YoussefH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 S417014.502.50H10-Kelly-DavisH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 S314011.505.50H2-Yen-TsaiH9-Suty-Balter
3 S−11008.009.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 S−22004.0013.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH7-Lake-Bernstein
4 S−22004.0013.00H7-Parker-SnowH8-Landers-Landers
4 S−33001.0016.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 NTS−44000.0017.00H3-Groner-SittonH1-Choo-Yee

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
J 10 2
5 4 2
A K J 9 7 3
A 7 5
A J 6 4 3
K 10 7 6
K 9 8 6
K 10 8 7 5
Q 3
6 2
Q 4 3
9 2
A J 9 8
Q 8 5 4

EW 4; EW 3; NS 2; EW 1; Par −500: NS 5×−3

5 E−110017.000.00G3-Gates-ZilicG10-McMullin-Thurtell
5 N−210016.001.00G5-Polk-BakerG4-Sullivan-Simmons
5 N−315013.503.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG1-Watson-Leightman
3 W417010.506.50G2-Dalton-SmithG8-Sowers-Fox
3 W417010.506.50G8-Balter-SittonG9-Kornbleet-Howard
6 ×N−35006.5010.50G1-Timko-TimkoG5-Sutton-Nimmons
5 ×N−35006.5010.50G10-Harley-JonesG3-Henke-Levy
4 W46202.5014.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG2-Humphries-Parker
4 W46202.5014.50G6-Hercules-BryantG6-Moore-St Pierre
5 S−315013.503.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH5-Dubose-Jahnke
5 N−315013.503.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 N−315013.503.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH4-Pruthi-Theiss
5 ×N−23009.008.00H3-Groner-SittonH10-Morgan-Bhargava
5 ×N−35006.5010.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH6-Elliott-Elliott
5 ×N−35006.5010.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH9-Suty-Balter
4 W46202.5014.50H9-Perry-YoussefH1-Choo-Yee
4 W46202.5014.50H10-Kelly-DavisH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 ×W47900.0017.00H2-Yen-TsaiH8-Landers-Landers

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
A J 7 2
J 8
K Q 10 8 6
Q 10 9 4
Q 9 6 5
7 6 5 3 2
6 5
A K 4 3 2
A K 9
J 9 7
K 8 3
10 7
10 8 4
A 5 4 3 2

EW 4; EW 4; NS 3; Par −300: NS 5×−2

1 NTN−15014.502.50G3-Gates-ZilicG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 N−15014.502.50G5-Polk-BakerG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 E41709.008.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG2-Humphries-Parker
3 E41709.008.00G8-Balter-SittonG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 E41709.008.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG1-Watson-Leightman
3 E41709.008.00G10-Harley-JonesG3-Henke-Levy
4 E44202.5014.50G1-Timko-TimkoG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 E44202.5014.50G2-Dalton-SmithG8-Sowers-Fox
4 E54500.0017.00G6-Hercules-BryantG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 N311017.000.00H2-Yen-TsaiH8-Landers-Landers
5 E−15016.001.00H9-Perry-YoussefH1-Choo-Yee
3 E314013.004.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 W41709.008.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 E41709.008.00H3-Groner-SittonH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 E41709.008.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH9-Suty-Balter
5 ×N−23005.0012.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 E44202.5014.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 E44202.5014.50H10-Kelly-DavisH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
K Q 9 4
10 6 2
9 8 5 3
6 2
10 7 5
A K J 7
A 4
A J 7 3
A J 8 6
9 5 4
Q 10 7 6 2
3 2
Q 8 3
Q 10 9 8 5 4

EW 5N; EW 5; EW 5; EW 5; EW 2; Par −460

2 W417015.002.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG1-Watson-Leightman
3 NTW443011.505.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTW443011.505.50G5-Polk-BakerG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 NTW443011.505.50G8-Balter-SittonG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 NTW54605.5011.50G1-Timko-TimkoG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 NTE54605.5011.50G3-Gates-ZilicG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 NTW54605.5011.50G10-Harley-JonesG3-Henke-Levy
3 ×S−411000.5016.50G2-Dalton-SmithG8-Sowers-Fox
2 ×N−411000.5016.50G6-Hercules-BryantG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 NTW−15016.500.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTW−15016.500.50H10-Kelly-DavisH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
3 NTW443011.505.50H2-Yen-TsaiH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTW443011.505.50H3-Groner-SittonH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 NTE443011.505.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NTE54605.5011.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTW54605.5011.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH6-Elliott-Elliott
3 NTW54605.5011.50H9-Perry-YoussefH1-Choo-Yee
3 NTE64902.0015.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH9-Suty-Balter

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
Q 8 2
10 5 2
9 8 7 6 3
K 2
K J 5
8 7 3
Q J 10 7 4
10 9 3
K Q 9 4
10 5 2
A 6 3
A 7 6 4
A J 6
Q J 4
9 8 5

EW 3N; EW 3; EW 3; EW 1; NS 1; Par −500: NS 4×−3

3 N−210016.001.00G7-Leighton-StereffG7-Miller-Miller
2 E211014.502.50G1-Timko-TimkoG4-Sullivan-Simmons
1 NTW212012.005.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG1-Watson-Leightman
1 NTW212012.005.00G5-Polk-BakerG3-Henke-Levy
2 NTW31506.0011.00G2-Dalton-SmithG6-Moore-St Pierre
1 NTN−31506.0011.00G3-Gates-ZilicG9-Kornbleet-Howard
1 S−31506.0011.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG10-McMullin-Thurtell
1 S−31506.0011.00G10-Harley-JonesG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTW36000.0017.00G6-Hercules-BryantG5-Sutton-Nimmons
2 N29017.000.00H10-Kelly-DavisH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 E211014.502.50H2-Yen-TsaiH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 NTW212012.005.00H7-Parker-SnowH7-Lake-Bernstein
2 NTW31506.0011.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH4-Pruthi-Theiss
2 NTW31506.0011.00H3-Groner-SittonH9-Suty-Balter
1 NTN−31506.0011.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH1-Choo-Yee
1 NTS−31506.0011.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
1 NTS−31506.0011.00H9-Perry-YoussefH10-Morgan-Bhargava
1 NTN−42001.0016.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH5-Dubose-Jahnke

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
J 9 6 2
A 5 4 2
A K 8
8 3
K 8
Q J 8 3
K Q 10 9 7 2
10 7 5 4 3
K 9
Q 7 6 4 3
10 7 6
J 10 5 2
A 6 5 4

EW 3; NS 2; NS 1; Par −110

3 ×E−380016.500.50G7-Leighton-StereffG7-Miller-Miller
2 N311011.505.50G3-Gates-ZilicG9-Kornbleet-Howard
2 S29010.007.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG1-Watson-Leightman
3 S−11007.509.50G2-Dalton-SmithG6-Moore-St Pierre
2 W31105.5011.50G1-Timko-TimkoG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 W31105.5011.50G10-Harley-JonesG2-Humphries-Parker
2 NTS−22003.0014.00G5-Polk-BakerG3-Henke-Levy
2 S−22003.0014.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 NTS−33001.0016.00G6-Hercules-BryantG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 ×E−380016.500.50H3-Groner-SittonH9-Suty-Balter
2 E−330015.002.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH5-Dubose-Jahnke
2 E−220013.503.50H9-Perry-YoussefH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 W−220013.503.50H10-Kelly-DavisH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 S311011.505.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH4-Pruthi-Theiss
2 NTS−11007.509.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
2 NTS−22003.0014.00H7-Parker-SnowH7-Lake-Bernstein
2 ×W33800.0017.00H2-Yen-TsaiH6-Elliott-Elliott

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
A 10
K J 4 2
A K J 9 6
J 9
9 7
8 5 4
A Q 10 7 4 3 2
J 8 6 4 3 2
A Q 9
K 6 5
K Q 5
10 8 6 5 3
Q 7 3 2

EW 3; NS 3; EW 4; NS 3; Par −140

4 N462015.501.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG1-Watson-Leightman
3 S417013.503.50G1-Timko-TimkoG4-Sullivan-Simmons
3 N314012.005.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG10-McMullin-Thurtell
3 N413011.006.00G10-Harley-JonesG2-Humphries-Parker
5 ×W−11007.509.50G2-Dalton-SmithG6-Moore-St Pierre
5 ×E−11007.509.50G3-Gates-ZilicG9-Kornbleet-Howard
5 ×W−11007.509.50G5-Polk-BakerG3-Henke-Levy
5 ×W−11007.509.50G6-Hercules-BryantG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 ×E−11007.509.50G7-Leighton-StereffG7-Miller-Miller
4 ×S479017.000.00H9-Perry-YoussefH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 N462015.501.50H10-Kelly-DavisH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 N417013.503.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH5-Dubose-Jahnke
5 ×W−11007.509.50H3-Groner-SittonH9-Suty-Balter
5 E−1504.0013.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH1-Choo-Yee
5 S−11002.0015.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 N−11002.0015.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
5 N−11002.0015.00H7-Parker-SnowH7-Lake-Bernstein
5 ×W55500.0017.00H2-Yen-TsaiH6-Elliott-Elliott

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
A J 5
A 10 9 8
A K 4 2
10 9
K 4 3
K Q J 5 4
Q 10 8 6
Q 9 6 2
7 6
J 9 7 3
J 5 4
10 8 7
3 2
A Q 8 7 6 3 2

NS 6; N 4N; S 3N; NS 2; NS 1; Par +920

3 ×E−380016.001.00G3-Gates-ZilicG7-Miller-Miller
3 ×W−250014.502.50G5-Polk-BakerG2-Humphries-Parker
3 NTN443010.007.00G1-Timko-TimkoG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTN443010.007.00G7-Leighton-StereffG6-Moore-St Pierre
5 S54006.0011.00G6-Hercules-BryantG4-Sullivan-Simmons
1 NTN41805.0012.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG10-McMullin-Thurtell
5 S−1504.0013.00G8-Balter-SittonG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTN−21002.0015.00G2-Dalton-SmithG5-Sutton-Nimmons
2 S−21002.0015.00G10-Harley-JonesG1-Watson-Leightman
3 ×W−4110017.000.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 ×W−250014.502.50H3-Groner-SittonH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTN546013.004.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTN443010.007.00H2-Yen-TsaiH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 NTN443010.007.00H7-Parker-SnowH6-Elliott-Elliott
3 NTN443010.007.00H10-Kelly-DavisH1-Choo-Yee
5 N64207.0010.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
3 NTN−21002.0015.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NTS−42000.0017.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH10-Morgan-Bhargava

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
K 8 4
9 7 3
A K 4
K J 9 7
9 7
A J 5
Q 10 7 6
A Q 5 3
Q 3 2
K Q 4 2
8 3 2
10 6 2
A J 10 6 5
10 8 6
J 9 5
8 4

NS 3; NS 2N; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; Par +140

1 NTE−220016.001.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG10-McMullin-Thurtell
1 NTE−220016.001.00G8-Balter-SittonG8-Sowers-Fox
2 S314012.005.00G2-Dalton-SmithG5-Sutton-Nimmons
2 N21105.5011.50G1-Timko-TimkoG3-Henke-Levy
2 N21105.5011.50G3-Gates-ZilicG7-Miller-Miller
2 N21105.5011.50G7-Leighton-StereffG6-Moore-St Pierre
2 W−11002.5014.50G5-Polk-BakerG2-Humphries-Parker
2 W−11002.5014.50G6-Hercules-BryantG4-Sullivan-Simmons
1 NTE1900.0017.00G10-Harley-JonesG1-Watson-Leightman
2 E−220016.001.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH10-Morgan-Bhargava
2 N314012.005.00H3-Groner-SittonH7-Lake-Bernstein
2 N314012.005.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 S314012.005.00H7-Parker-SnowH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 S314012.005.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH8-Landers-Landers
1 NTS21208.508.50H2-Yen-TsaiH5-Dubose-Jahnke
1 NTS21208.508.50H10-Kelly-DavisH1-Choo-Yee
2 N21105.5011.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH4-Pruthi-Theiss
1 NTS1901.0016.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
6 3
10 7
10 9 6 5 3
A J 10 4
A K 9 5
A 3
4 2
K 8 7 6 3
J 10 7 2
K Q J 4
J 8 7
Q 9
Q 8 4
9 8 6 5 2
5 2

EW 4; EW 2; EW 1N; EW 2; NS 1; Par −420

4 W−15017.000.00G8-Balter-SittonG8-Sowers-Fox
2 E314012.504.50G3-Gates-ZilicG7-Miller-Miller
2 W41708.508.50G1-Timko-TimkoG3-Henke-Levy
2 W41708.508.50G2-Dalton-SmithG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 W41708.508.50G5-Polk-BakerG2-Humphries-Parker
2 W41708.508.50G10-Harley-JonesG1-Watson-Leightman
4 W44203.0014.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 W44203.0014.00G6-Hercules-BryantG4-Sullivan-Simmons
5 ×N−48000.0017.00G7-Leighton-StereffG6-Moore-St Pierre
2 W29016.001.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH4-Pruthi-Theiss
2 W211015.002.00H3-Groner-SittonH7-Lake-Bernstein
1 NTE212014.003.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH10-Morgan-Bhargava
2 W314012.504.50H10-Kelly-DavisH1-Choo-Yee
3 W41708.508.50H2-Yen-TsaiH5-Dubose-Jahnke
2 W41708.508.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 W44203.0014.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 W44203.0014.00H7-Parker-SnowH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 W44203.0014.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH8-Landers-Landers

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
K Q 10 6 5
K 8 5 4
10 6 4
4 3 2
A 10
J 8 3
K J 9 5 2
A J 9
Q J 9 7
A K 9 2
8 3
8 7
6 3 2
Q 10 7 6 5
A Q 7

EW 4N; EW 2; EW 2; EW 3; EW 2; Par −630

3 E−220016.001.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 NTE−110014.003.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG8-Sowers-Fox
2 NTE212012.504.50G1-Timko-TimkoG2-Humphries-Parker
2 NTE212012.504.50G2-Dalton-SmithG4-Sullivan-Simmons
2 NTE41808.508.50G7-Leighton-StereffG5-Sutton-Nimmons
3 NTE36005.0012.00G3-Gates-ZilicG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 NTE36005.0012.00G8-Balter-SittonG7-Miller-Miller
3 NTE46302.0015.00G5-Polk-BakerG1-Watson-Leightman
3 ×N−48000.0017.00G6-Hercules-BryantG3-Henke-Levy
3 NTE−220016.001.00H3-Groner-SittonH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 E−220016.001.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH8-Landers-Landers
2 NTE315010.506.50H1-Riddick-EveretteH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 NTE315010.506.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH1-Choo-Yee
2 NTE41808.508.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
2 ×N−23007.0010.00H9-Perry-YoussefH9-Suty-Balter
3 NTE36005.0012.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH7-Lake-Bernstein
3 NTE46302.0015.00H2-Yen-TsaiH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 NTE46302.0015.00H7-Parker-SnowH5-Dubose-Jahnke

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
Q 9 3
10 8 5 3
A 10 9 7 6
10 7 6 5
K 10 9 8
Q 4 2
J 8
J 4
A Q J 7 5 3 2
K J 6
A K 8 2
A 9 7
K Q 5 4 2

NS 3; EW 3; NS 4; NS 3; Par +140

5 ×E−250017.000.00G5-Polk-BakerG1-Watson-Leightman
4 ×E−120014.502.50G1-Timko-TimkoG2-Humphries-Parker
4 ×E−120014.502.50G3-Gates-ZilicG6-Moore-St Pierre
4 ×E−120014.502.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 E−110010.506.50G2-Dalton-SmithG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 E−110010.506.50G6-Hercules-BryantG3-Henke-Levy
5 S−11006.0011.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG8-Sowers-Fox
5 N−11006.0011.00G8-Balter-SittonG7-Miller-Miller
4 E46200.0017.00G7-Leighton-StereffG5-Sutton-Nimmons
5 E−220014.502.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH8-Landers-Landers
4 E−110010.506.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH7-Lake-Bernstein
5 E−110010.506.50H9-Perry-YoussefH9-Suty-Balter
5 N−11006.0011.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 N−11006.0011.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
5 S−11006.0011.00H7-Parker-SnowH5-Dubose-Jahnke
3 E31403.0014.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH1-Choo-Yee
3 E41702.0015.00H2-Yen-TsaiH4-Pruthi-Theiss
5 N−22001.0016.00H3-Groner-SittonH6-Elliott-Elliott

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
A 9 4
10 8 4
A K 5 3
7 6 2
J 10 5 2
9 2
10 9 8 4 2
9 4
Q 7
7 3
J 6
A K Q J 10 8 3
K 8 6 3
A K Q J 6 5
Q 7

NS 6; NS 4; NS 2; EW 1; Par +980

5 ×E−480016.001.00G5-Polk-BakerG1-Watson-Leightman
4 N648012.005.00G3-Gates-ZilicG6-Moore-St Pierre
4 S648012.005.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG8-Sowers-Fox
4 S54504.5012.50G1-Timko-TimkoG2-Humphries-Parker
4 S54504.5012.50G2-Dalton-SmithG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 S54504.5012.50G6-Hercules-BryantG3-Henke-Levy
5 S54504.5012.50G7-Leighton-StereffG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 S54504.5012.50G8-Balter-SittonG7-Miller-Miller
4 S54504.5012.50G9-Hagedorn-HessG9-Kornbleet-Howard
6 S698017.000.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 ×E−350015.002.00H1-Riddick-EveretteH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 S648012.005.00H2-Yen-TsaiH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 S648012.005.00H3-Groner-SittonH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 N648012.005.00H9-Perry-YoussefH9-Suty-Balter
5 S54504.5012.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH8-Landers-Landers
4 S54504.5012.50H5-Marlatt-SandiferH1-Choo-Yee
4 S54504.5012.50H7-Parker-SnowH5-Dubose-Jahnke
4 S54504.5012.50H8-Thompson-MeyerH7-Lake-Bernstein

Board 28
West Deals
N-S Vul
8 5 4
6 5
4 2
Q J 10 7 6 2
K J 9 6
7 4
K 8 3
A 9 8 4
Q 3
A K Q J 9 8 3
Q 7 5
A 10 7 2
10 2
A J 10 9 6
5 3

EW 5N; EW 5; EW 4; E 3; W 2; EW 1; Par −460

6 E−15017.000.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG8-Sowers-Fox
4 E54509.507.50G2-Dalton-SmithG3-Henke-Levy
4 E54509.507.50G3-Gates-ZilicG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 E54509.507.50G4-Jackson-MiedemaG7-Miller-Miller
4 E54509.507.50G7-Leighton-StereffG4-Sullivan-Simmons
4 E54509.507.50G10-Harley-JonesG10-McMullin-Thurtell
4 E64801.5015.50G5-Polk-BakerG9-Kornbleet-Howard
4 E64801.5015.50G6-Hercules-BryantG2-Humphries-Parker
4 E64801.5015.50G8-Balter-SittonG6-Moore-St Pierre
3 E520016.001.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 E623015.002.00H10-Kelly-DavisH10-Morgan-Bhargava
4 E54509.507.50H2-Yen-TsaiH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 E54509.507.50H3-Groner-SittonH5-Dubose-Jahnke
4 E54509.507.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH7-Lake-Bernstein
4 E54509.507.50H7-Parker-SnowH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 E54509.507.50H9-Perry-YoussefH8-Landers-Landers
3 NTW54604.0013.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH9-Suty-Balter
4 E64801.5015.50H6-Stone-HumphriesH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher

Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
A 9 2
Q 7
A J 10 9 7
A 7 3
Q 6
A J 5 2
Q 6 5
K Q 10 6
K 10 8 7 5 4
9 8 6
K 8 3
J 3
K 10 4 3
4 2
J 9 5 4 2

W 2N; EW 2; EW 1; EW 1; NS 1; Par −120

2 E211013.004.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG7-Miller-Miller
2 E211013.004.00G7-Leighton-StereffG4-Sullivan-Simmons
2 E211013.004.00G10-Harley-JonesG10-McMullin-Thurtell
1 NTN−220011.006.00G3-Gates-ZilicG5-Sutton-Nimmons
1 NTN−33008.009.00G6-Hercules-BryantG2-Humphries-Parker
1 NTN−33008.009.00G8-Balter-SittonG6-Moore-St Pierre
1 NTN−33008.009.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG8-Sowers-Fox
3 NTN−55002.0015.00G5-Polk-BakerG9-Kornbleet-Howard
3 ×N−38001.0016.00G2-Dalton-SmithG3-Henke-Levy
2 E−110016.001.00H3-Groner-SittonH5-Dubose-Jahnke
4 E−110016.001.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH9-Suty-Balter
2 E−110016.001.00H9-Perry-YoussefH8-Landers-Landers
1 NTN−33008.009.00H2-Yen-TsaiH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
1 NTN−33008.009.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 NTN−44004.0013.00H7-Parker-SnowH4-Pruthi-Theiss
3 S−44004.0013.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH6-Elliott-Elliott
2 NTN−44004.0013.00H10-Kelly-DavisH10-Morgan-Bhargava
3 ×N−411000.0017.00H4-Haigh-ThomasH7-Lake-Bernstein

Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
A 8 5 2
A Q J 6
Q J 10 5
K 10 7 6 4
J 6 2
K 9 6 2
Q J 3
K 9 5 2
A K 10 8
A 7
10 7 4 3
Q 9 7 5 4
8 4 3

EW 4; EW 3N; EW 2; N 1; EW 1; Par −420

2 E211014.003.00G4-Jackson-MiedemaG7-Miller-Miller
2 E211014.003.00G7-Leighton-StereffG4-Sullivan-Simmons
2 E314011.006.00G5-Polk-BakerG9-Kornbleet-Howard
2 E314011.006.00G10-Harley-JonesG10-McMullin-Thurtell
2 E41708.009.00G6-Hercules-BryantG2-Humphries-Parker
2 E41708.009.00G8-Balter-SittonG6-Moore-St Pierre
4 E44203.0014.00G2-Dalton-SmithG3-Henke-Levy
4 E44203.0014.00G3-Gates-ZilicG5-Sutton-Nimmons
4 E44203.0014.00G9-Hagedorn-HessG8-Sowers-Fox
3 W−15016.500.50H2-Yen-TsaiH3-Geiler-McGee Cullen
4 E−15016.500.50H4-Haigh-ThomasH7-Lake-Bernstein
2 E211014.003.00H9-Perry-YoussefH8-Landers-Landers
2 E314011.006.00H6-Stone-HumphriesH2-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 E41708.009.00H3-Groner-SittonH5-Dubose-Jahnke
2 E52006.0011.00H8-Thompson-MeyerH6-Elliott-Elliott
4 E44203.0014.00H5-Marlatt-SandiferH9-Suty-Balter
4 E44203.0014.00H7-Parker-SnowH4-Pruthi-Theiss
4 E54500.0017.00H10-Kelly-DavisH10-Morgan-Bhargava